Hello All,
I hope you are all having an amazing day. Ever since I was 12, I remember waking up one night after eating alot. I felt weird, like a panic feeling. I was barely falling asleep, and while I was in my thoughts this rush came over me and i started freaking out. I stood up and felt like I had to either (sorry) poop, or throw up. From there, I felt spacey the days after. And my life changed. I was told I had anxiety. Lights would be bright for me at the store, I would get hot, and feel like I was passing out but never did. This mostly happened at concerts, markets, and malls.
These only got worse when my life would get harder. I developed a fear of death. I would wake up at night, ucontrollably shaking as if I was cold and my mom had to hug me so I could control myself until I got warm. Still anxiety by the doctors. I was scared.
After years of this, I got my life back, and began working out and eating well. I was a bigger girl, but lost weight. Now I am 21. Everything went away. But now my life is in a rocky road with my mom having been hospitalized. I feel spacey, and the other day I was on church and the lights just felt bright. I felt nauseous to my stomach and felt like I was passing out and out of breath. I also get cluster headaches now and feel similar than before.
How do I know between anxiety and seizures? I am so scared because I feel like I have had similar symptoms to what I read online. My doctors say is anxiety so I do not know.