I got diagnosed with epilepsy 10 years ago. My seizures have been fairly spaced out over the last 10 years, going 1/2 years in between. My last seizure was a week ago and I’m still having problems with dizziness and headaches and I occasionally feel nauseous aswell. I don’t recall feeling like this for this long after my previous ones, has anyone else had the same thing? I’m worried there’s something else going on, I had bloods taken and they all came back fine!
Still Not Feeling Myself: I got diagnosed... - Epilepsy Action
Still Not Feeling Myself

My seizures are also infrequent, often with many months (or even years) in between. I am finding though that the longer the gap in between the longer my recovery. Last time it was about 12 days before I could feel free to do all my normal things again, and feel ‘normal’.
One thing I’m also beginning to wonder is does the recovery take longer as I get older? I’m 45 now & I don’t remember being affected for so long in my 20’s or 30’s 🤔
Hi I have just turned 65 and thankfully I haven't had a Grand Mal, that's what I was told I had some 45 years ago, for a couple of years, and yes as you get older recovery is not the next day but 2/3 days, I now have Aura's which I have to be careful about because, they can be a precursor to a big fit, so keep taking the tablets, I was going to work out how many pills I had taken over the years, but decider not to.
I have seizures about once a month and it usually takes me a week or so to feel “normal “ I will feel nauseous, have headaches, but the worst part is I feel blue, and not like myself. I have to remind myself that’s it’s just a phase and it will be over soon. You might be able to get an MRI if you’re really concerned but they really are not good for you. And if you’re like some of us Epileptics it’s likely you have some amount of brain damage. Hang in there!