Does anyone else of kappra or levatiracetam suffer dissociation or have already switched out?
Dissociation : Does anyone else of kappra or... - Epilepsy Action
Yes I’m on keppra 4,000mg daily, and honestly I feel so zombie like and ‘out of it’ is the only way I can describe how it makes you feel x
Finally someone knows! I was on 3000mg and dissociating all the time only I didn't know it I'm in Montreal where cannabis is now legal and my cannabis Dr is the one who noticed now I'm weaning off almost done.
Do you have a few seconds where it goes black like in and out of life?

I completely understand yes it’s exactly like a very long day dream that you can’t seem to snap out of. I also get very fatigued from what doesn’t seem like much activity I.E. going shopping is exhausting. Have you found the cannabis to be helpful at all, I’m In England so they’re in the process of legalising it for medical purposes x
Im in Canada where its legal but there are lots of rules some quite stupid such as wearing shirts with a canabis plant rolling my eyes.
I've found that CBD can make you a little sleepy but it depends on the dose 20mg is very good for sleep. As for medicating for epilepsy I'm still on 625mg keppra soon to be lowered further. Its gone now meds all make you zombie like in my experiences ive been on 33 years worth of meds tegratol,clobazam and oh so many others still on a couple other meds clobazam and trileptal none of which I'm crazy about still they all make you a zombie so to speak. As for exhaustion all meds do that to you I'm a night owl though trying to get out of that habit but yes always tired I just got used to feeling this way I know it sounds terrible but it's the only way I could get by without losing my mind.
Yes the CBD capsules I make seem to be doing a great job even as I'm reducing I have not been seizing overly much at all I'm usually very sensitive to a switch in meds this though seems to be working very well.

It’s great to hear that the switch appears to be working for you, wishing you the best of luck!
Yes I agree with that one I’ve been on many- lamotrigine, clobazam which never controlled my seizures and they also made me extremely zombie like; so I guess it’s something we have to just adapt to because I find it’s better than having grand mals x