Any experiences?
Dejavu seizures : Any experiences? - Epilepsy Action
Dejavu seizures

Hello. My daughter has these regularly. Especially when she feels under stress. She is 13. Takes 400mg of carbamazepine per day.
What does she feel?
Hi I've only just been diagnosed in the past 2 months with temporal lobe epilepsy so this is all rather new to me but the majority of my seizures are deja vu (other than my two bigger seizures). They all start off with me feeling guilty over something (I can never remember what for after) I seem to run through about 3 of the same thoughts then the physical feelings in my arms and stomach start. With that the emotional/guilt feelings fade and they have gone from my memory. I cannot speak clearly or understand what others are saying for about a minute. Then next time I have one I think here we go same feelings again deja zu.
I had very potent ones in my teens. I would feel flushed and nauseous and dizzy. It was usually brief about 30 seconds. It was usually every day things like glancing at a household object that would kick them off or someone saying something.
The worst Deja Vu was when I was walking. I thought I was just concentrating on walking through the nausea. My husband saw something different. He said we were talking and I just stopped talking and started staring up. He tried to stop me and take the leash from my hand. I kept going. He jumped in front of me. I turned around and kept walking towards home, full speed, backwards. The doc called it an absentee seizure.