my 2 yrold fell off a toy and hit his head, well he got up and kept playing. 3 days later he had his first siezure. i didnt no wat a siezure was or nutn. took him to er and nutn then took him to dr and she put him on kepra. the siezyres stopped for a short time but started bak up again. took him bak to er where he got admitted n. they took a mri 3 eegs and a ct scan and blood work for several days and all came bak normal. my son is not happy nomore and wont talk now. he needs help badly. all i can do is blame myself for this. i feel helpless cuz i cant help him. he still has siezures and kepra is not helping. any advice please
my 2 yr old on kepra: my 2 yrold fell off a... - Epilepsy Action
my 2 yr old on kepra
Hi, I'm Joey and this is my first post on a forum.
I had a motorcycle accident in 1996 and I also have seizures from head trauma I am currently talking Levetiracetam (Keppra) in combo with Lamotrigine 2x/day. I've also had MRI's a CT scans and they were also all normal. Head trauma is a common cause of epilepsy for obvious reasons. Your son has more than likely got what is referred to as a "lesion", think of it as a tiny piece of scar tissue in his brain that gets in the way of the electrical activity that goes on constantly in our heads, basically he has the odd "short circuit" caused by the lesion resulting in a seizure. I'm don't know if your doctor told you this but on the up side, little children who bump their heads often "outgrow" this condition as their brain isn't fully grown and developed yet, so what often happens is as your child grows, the lesion can become less significant and his seizures can disappear completely thus no longer requiring any medication.
Finding the right medication for him now is a very important thing as all of these anti seizure meds have side effects, some worse than others, for example, I changed from Epilim (Sodium Valproate) to Keppra (Levetiracetam) and strangely the Keppra brought on seizures...but when I changed it a different brand of Levetiracetam called "Redilev" it was much more effective reducing my seizures significantly. I have 3 kids so I feel your pain. First of all, its not your fault. Its a very common thing for kids to fall and graze their knees and bump their heads etc, we've all done it as I sure you well know. Its unfortunately a fact of life and you have to remember that...also remember that neurologists and doctors haven't actually taken any of these meds and have no idea what a seizure feels like. The medications are complex, as is the human brain. I am more than happy to share do's and don't s with you. There are a lot of things that you can and have to do to help your little boy. Let me know if you would like me to share some hard earned knowledge with you. I am more than happy to.
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