I have just found this group and would like to know if anyone takes canabinoids as an add on treatment for temporal lobe epilepsy.
I have just found this group and would like to know if anyone takes canabinoids as an add on treatment for temporal lobe epilepsy.
I have juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, I had just changed medication at the end of last year, about January I tried cannabis oil for the epilepsy, [my own idea!] I then had a seizure, the first since Dec. 2015, I immediately went off the cannabis oil, but a month later had another seizure, which proves it was not the cannabis oil that directly caused them. The new medication Fycompa or Perampanel obviously caused it, although the cannabis oil would not have helped, but my old medication Epilim I'd been taking since October 2013 and I had had four seizures in that time, BUT the Parkinson's disease type side effects were becoming serious [I could not write, which I can now, brilliant!!]. My new medication dosage has recently been altered Fycompa and an increase with my Lamictal. The cannabis oil did not help me at all, in fact while I was on it, about 5 weeks, I was in a zombie state throughout. They SAY 70% of people with epilepsy can benefit from it, obviously I am in that 30% but research is still going on in this field and any person with epilepsy is always looking for that miracle cure, Keep researching!!
I was glad to see you had a reply to this. You may also find it useful to look at some information on our website.
Cannabidiol is not licensed in the UK yet. We would not recommend buying it online as it would be impossible to be sure how reliable the contents were. And there is definitely no guarantee that it would be suitable for everyone.
As soon as there is any more information about this we will put it on this site.
You need a full diagnosis. TL epilepsy is normally due to a cavernom. That's a very small cavity somewhere. It's easy to rectify. Have you undergone intensive monitoring yet? Please let know what they find.
I'm a neurologist. I suffered from TL epilepsy. I took the whole range of medication and then had surgery. It's a relatively simple procedure. That was 12 years back. Since then.
No seizures. Continued with meds (that's normal procedure). Back at work.
I have had a neorologist here in Tenerife for the past 25 years.
I don't know what you mean by intensive monitoring.
I have had brains scans and EeG