Can sickness and diarrohea be a side ... - Epilepsy Research...
Can sickness and diarrohea be a side effect of Epilim (in a 1yr old)?
Hi I've been taking Epilim since my mid 20's and have defnitely suffered stomach wise, I've been tested for coeliac disease etc as I get diarrohea especially when I eat a lot of fibre, brown bread, veg etc. Strange as it sounds Eplim controls my symptoms very well the Drs refuse to take me off it, so I just manage the other effects as best I can. I personally find chocolate slows down the problem. So although I have gained weight in order to stop the problems I have to make sure I have a mixed healthy/unhealthy diet - either that or spend a lot of time in the loo! Hope this helps you.
I am not on Epilim but surely constant diarrhea on a one year old can't be doing your child any good. My suggestion is to re-visit the doctor and perhaps request a change in medication, depending on the type of epilepsy your child is having. I currently take Carbamazapine and Phenytoin which appears to control my epilepsy, but I feel sure a change in medication might help. Please keep us posted.
I am on epilem and I have been on it for the past 22 years of my life they tried changing my medication and it made the fits worse and I have never had any stomach problems with been on this medication
i was on epilem for 10yrs plus and i had alot of trouble with my stomach i came off them and my stomach troubles dissapeared but with children make sure he hasnt picked up a bug and its not the medication