hi Rachel,
I was unfortunate enough to suffer third degree burns whilst having a seizure. I was aware of the seizure arriving and my departing thought was about stopping the sausages from burning but I didn’t get far enough into the thought to turn the grill off. So my brain continued the train of thought and with my bare hand somehow the tray and the sausages were removed from the grill.
We need a device that tells us a seizure is about to happen so preventative action can be taken.
In previous years the same sort of event has occurred but I have managed to turn off the oven and the end result was simply an uncooked Christmas cake. Simply because I could get to the end of the thought before the seizure occurred. I even had time to tuck myself safely in a spot where I wouldn’t strike table or chair legs. Sadly I don’t always have those vital safety seconds.
I can only hope that a permanently wearable device can be devised to monitor our brainwaves and tell us that an abnormal pattern has started before it can be consciously registered. This would make crossing roads a lot safer.
All the best