My mum is 90 and in Jan had her first complex partial seizure. She is on Keppra. She goes absent, smacks her lips and constantly wants to pee. Most recent lasted 18 hours. Not unusual. Should I inform her doctor every time she has a seizure? She has just been referred to a neurologist. I can find nothing on the internet that mentions seizures lasting this long. Any advice would be welcome as I am totally in the dark.
Aged 90. Complex Partial: My mum is 9... - Epilepsy Research...
Aged 90. Complex Partial
Hi, I am new to this site and just seen your entry, having been a full-time carer myself I am concerned you have not had a reply, maybe this isn't the best site. The Epilepsy Foundation in US has very useful site for queries, or maybe the epilepsy society? I live in UK.
I'm no expert and can only share my own experience and what I am learning about my own seizures. I get 'Frozen' but am conscious (atypical absence) and often can speak, and can then get help to get 'back online'. If on my own it can be hours before I can move. I am no expert but I wonder if I've had a split second seizure and this is the after effects. This might be similar for your dear mother.
The best thing would be to inform your GP of your worries, asap, (as it will help you as well)maybe even a telephone appointment. But I would also suggest you make a record of when, what happens and for how long the seizures last. Also what was happening just before or during the day- maybe a brief diary, so that you might ID triggers. I know this is a lot to ask, but should help with the neurology visit and you might start to identify patterns.
Also possibly your mother my be exhausted afterwards and may have other problems associated with the 'after effects' of the seizure, e.g. walking, balance, speech, memory problems.
I am really concerned for YOU as well as your mother. I have enough problems managing the seizures myself, but for you to have to second guess how to help your mother is very hard on you.
You don't mention if your mother is on medication if not and the consultants suggests it make sure he discusses this fully with you,, and INSIST on being connected to an epilepsy nurse and/or hospital epilepsy helpline. In fact you might be able to get in touch with a nurse at the hospital now by ringing the consultants secretary or the hospital direct and asking for the number.
Your mother is very fortunate to have such a caring person as yourself, but I wonder is there is any support that the GP surgery could help with??
I am saying all this as I have been feeling quite 'at sea' and unsupported as what might seem routine to a professional is life changing/shocking to the individual.
Take care, and I am thinking of you both as you deal with this.
Kepra is a powerful medication. Look at side effects. My daughter was prescribed Kepra to control daily seizure. She slept a lot and lost her appetite. After 3 months stopped Kepra and adjusted other meds then became more wakeful and started to eat again! She has had seizure since 6 months old, is now 31!
As your mother has been referred to a neurologist that's where she will get the best help. Sure tell your doctor also.