Possible Endo / Adeno? : Thanks to those... - Endometriosis UK

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Possible Endo / Adeno?

jaidemosss profile image
6 Replies

Thanks to those who replied to my last question!

Looking for some information / guidance. I recently had HORRIFIC abdominal pains resulting in 2 trips to A + E. Nothing came of it and I was sent on my merry way, had an abdominal ultrasound and Transvaginal ultrasound, report says "unremarkable" but the Sonographer told me in the room that I had what looks like Adenomyosis but she has not put this on her report..

Since then, I have had significant abdominal pain mainly left but also right, left sided back pain and I am just wondering if these sound like the typical signs of Endo / Adenomyosis? My GP doesn't think its Gyane related (has referred me to gyane) and seems to think its gastrointestinal (also referred) Just a bit at loss because the pain is unbearable and by the end of the day I look significantly bloated! She said I also sound "grumbly" so have to send of stool samples to rule out infection etc. I have a CT abdomen booked on Monday..

I am 25 and extremely frighted, any reassurance / similar experiences will be of much value.

Thank you x

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6 Replies
Dee_EndoUK profile image
Dee_EndoUKModeratorEndometriosis UK

Hi jaidemosss

Sorry to hear you've been suffering with severe abdominal pain recently. If you're looking for more information on Adenomyosis or Endometriosis we have a really informative webinar on our website that is definitely worth a watch. You can find it at endometriosis-uk.org/adenom...

You may also find our support groups useful as a place where you can discuss the issues you are facing with other sufferers. Please visit endometriosis-uk.org/find-a... to find out if there's one in your local area. If you find there is not a face to face support group in your local area, we have an online support group.

Wishing you all the best with your treatment journey.

Ecorc profile image

I got diagnosed with an 3cm endometrioma in my left ovary last year and had such severe pain a couple of times that I thought something had ruptured in there! So they booked me in for a laparoscopy to drain it. When they were in there they found I had adenomyosis and some adhesions to my bowel but only a little bit of endo. I’ve got IBS too and I think when I ate certain foods it would trigger such severe inflammation that it would tug my ovary/uterus because of the adhesions which made them all attached.

I find the adenomyosis makes my periods v painful but now I’ve had the adhesions removed, I just tend to avoid the trigger foods and inflammatory foods (gluten, dairy, pulses and alcohol for me) and I haven’t had the same severe pain in between periods since. If you don’t want to have a laparoscopy, maybe try cutting out various foods before reintroducing to see if they exacerbate your symptoms? I saw a nutritionist who helped me work out which ones mine were and put me on some supplements which have helped with symptoms too :)

jaidemosss profile image
jaidemosss in reply to Ecorc

Thanks for this! I went back and they've found a 3cm Dermoid cyst and I am due to get it removed on Friday (I am so symptomatic) Just a quick question, did you suffer with gastrointestinal problems? I've had horrific stomach cramps, gas, acid reflux and I've got significant bloating. I also have a sort of left sided bulge that can move over to the right but predominately moves back to the left. Is this a cause of the cyst or an unrelated problem? I am 8 and a half stone so it's easy for me to notice when something is off with my body. I just don't want to get myself into a position where I am passed back and forth from specialists! Thank you for your insight x

Ecorc profile image
Ecorc in reply to jaidemosss

Oh nasty poor you. Where abouts? It could have caused some inflammation and adhesions to your gut which could be causing all your gut symptoms maybe but impossible to diagnose unless they do a laparoscopy I think. Yeah I do get those symptoms for the same reasons as above but I didn’t have a dermoid cyst, mine was an endometrioma. That’s why I’m so careful with my diet now. Not sure about the bulge! Def show them to see what they think. I hope the surgery goes well. 🙂

jaidemosss profile image
jaidemosss in reply to Ecorc

Its on my right ovary but the pain is mainly more predominant on my left! I have a dull ache on my right though. I hope once it is out the pain will go and I am praying its not Endo, otherwise I will go to a specialist. I too am an ICU nurse so I applaud you for working through the pain, this has come on the last few weeks and working 12 hour shifts with it is not nice! Thank you :) x

Ecorc profile image

Urgh abdo pain is so brutal isn’t it! I was an ICU nurse too! Work in research now so haven’t got the same demands to be on my feet for the whole shift thank god! I think night shifts and the constant stress of ICU don’t help at all. Yoga really helps for me too. X

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