Hysterectomy recovering time?: Hi everyone... - Endometriosis UK

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Hysterectomy recovering time?

Mummy1982 profile image
4 Replies

Hi everyone.

I was just wondering if anyone could tell me there experience if how long there recovery after hysterectomy took?

I am needing to think about this as I have recently been diagnosed with Endometriosis and Adenomyosis.


Jo xx

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I am 5 weeks post op from almost 7 hours surgery which included major excision surgery for endo and a total hysterectomy (ie uterus and cervix removed but ovaries preserved) which was a laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy for adenomyosis.

Unfortunately my recovery was set back a little due to a post op complication. The surgeon carried out an temporary ovarian suspension which he does in order to reduce the risk of adhesions post surgery as I had extensive excision surgery for endo. Unfortunately I became his first patient who had issues with this - it caused me extreme pain and nausea that even morphine couldn't control in the end so the ovarian suspensions had to be released 7 days early. Once removed I felt much better. Had I not experienced this problem I would have been discharged from hospital the day after surgery.

My recovery was again hindered by an infection a couple of weeks in requiring some heavy duty antibiotics so I do feel if it weren't for these 2 issues I would have been further advanced by now.

I'm currently managing a 15 - 20 min minute walk daily and some housework. I even went out for a pub lunch with some friends last Sunday!

You are limited for the first 6 weeks whereby you're not supposed to lift anything heavier than a full kettle (even though you feel able to), stretch up to reach something, bend down to get something or drive.

I also find I tire quite easily so tend to need to rest during the day a bit (though I don't sleep during the day as I've never been able to do this even when ill). I find it a bit frustrating that a 15 minute walk can leave me quite exhausted and little breathless. I have a dog and before surgery even with the pain from endo and adeno I walked for about 2 hrs a day so 15 mins should be a breeze! But my husband keeps reminding me I've had major surgery and all my energy is going into healing. I'm going to start building my time up and have booked a physio appointment when I'm 6 weeks post op so they can tell me what I can and can't do - I'm worried about the risk of prolapse and apparently weight lifting and lifting my dog may be out of the equation now so am wanting more detailed info really.

Sorry if tmi but I have been getting some stabbing pains in my tummy and vagina and also feel like my vagina is swollen sometimes and like something is pushing down or falling out. I went on a site called hystersisters as I was worried something might be wrong but at the same time didn't want to waste my doctors time if it was normal. Apparently it is normal and part of the healing process.

In terms of pain I had tramadol for the first week after eventually being discharged from hospital and then managed on co-codomol. I'm mainly taking paracetamol now but at 6-8hr intervals and mostly I'm just taking this when I feel I need something. Very occasionally I take co-codomol when I've overdone it.

I think the discomfort is mainly coming from the excision surgery as I had a lot excised including having all of my peritoneal lining removed. I find by the end of the day is when I'm at my most uncomfortable. My tummy feels like I have a huge internal graze but given the extent of excision I think that's to be expected and has gotten better over time.

Before surgery I was experiencing daily sciatic pain down the back of my thighs, nausea, headaches, a dull constant ache in my tummy and feeling like I was carrying around a bowling ball and very frequent urination (every 30 mins when active and every 2 hours when sitting or laying down). Apparently adeno can cause all of this. I noticed the sciatic pain was gone the instant I woke up after surgery! I am weeing less but probably still more frequently than the average person. However that being said I had endo on my bladder too so this had to be shaved off so I suspect my bladder is still healing from surgery.

All in all I'm amazed at how well I feel and how quickly I've recovered (despite the initial hiccups) after almost 7 hours of surgery. The hospital where I had the surgery is actually 2.5hours away from where we live so I was worried about the car journey home. However, with the obligatory pillow under the seatbelt on the way home, I can honestly say it wasn't that bad.

I know it can take up to a year for my body to fully recover from the type of surgery I've had but I am optimistic for the future and looking forward to being able to go on an all day dog walk without being in pain and having to wee every 30 mins!

Hope this helps and feel free to ask any questions you may have.

Best wishes, x

Mummy1982 profile image
Mummy1982 in reply to confusedandworried


Thank you very much for your reply.

I have a lot of the symtoms that you are describing the worst is the leg pain and heaviness in pelvis and back pain which Is always there.

I was very active before all this chronic pain started and I slowly became able to less and less, I have 2 dogs that it is literally so painful i can't walk them so my partner does now and 3 children age 12, 10, 9 the whole thing is dragging me down with the constant pain.

It sounds like you are recovering very well , thank you for sharing you experience with me as I'm very anxious about this and what to expect after.

Thank you

Jo xx

confusedandworried profile image
confusedandworried in reply to Mummy1982

Hi Jo,

No worries. I know how daunting it is facing surgery and, although admittedly not exactly a spring chicken, I felt too young to have a hysterectomy at age 39. However I too just wanted my life back. Whilst sadly hysterectomy is the only cure for adeno at least there is actually a cure for it unlike endo. I was worried about having to have a catheter in after surgery and wanted it out asap after surgery. I was supposed to keep it in over night but they took it out about 2 hours post surgery as I felt it was hurting me more having it in. I think it was aggravated by the fact they shaved my bladder. I also got myself worked up over having to do a bowel prep before surgery. I was able to choose picolax which meant less of the bowel prep liquid to drink as opposed to moviprep which I could of had instead. Again the bowel prep wasn't bad and certainly not as bad as I had worked myself upto believing it would be. In fact with my endo I've had much worse diarrhoea in the past lol!

It sounds like you too are blessed with a supportive husband so accept you'll be somewhat limited for 6 weeks and allow him to help out as much as possible.

I'd also recommend buying a tummy binder/girdle for post hysterectomy. Although admittedly I don't think I had much by way of stomach muscles pre surgery I've found I've got absolutely none now! The tummy binder is really supportive when walking/standing up - not so comfortable for

sitting in!

I know it's easier said then done but try not to worry too much. I think the human body is far more resilient then we realise. Probably like me the pain you're experiencing now is worse then the pain you will experience post surgery.

Best wishes, Jo x

Mummy1982 profile image
Mummy1982 in reply to confusedandworried

Thank you every so much for replying, yes I am finding it all very daunting I had no Idea I had endo until 6 weeks ago let alone adenomyosis which I had never heard. Yes the catheter worries me it's all the little things that I worry about.

I'm going to have to do the bowel prep in a few weeks for a colonoscopy so hopefully that will be one more thing I will have exexperienced and will be able to tick off lol!

I am very lucky to have a partner who is supportive, he will be looking after me post op. I also feel very blessed to have my 3 beautiful children, so that helps put this is prospective.

I will definately look at the tummy support after, I am normally very active with strong core but been less active of late to this is flipping pain, I feel like a old lady😣

I know it is hard I'm a worrier unfortunately but I know when it comes down to it I will be ok xx

Thanks again I hope you continue to heal well xx

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