Fibroids and endometriosis . who here has... - Endometriosis UK

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Fibroids and endometriosis . who here has both. They found a large Fibriod at a scan today as I wait on a referral back to endo team?

Debswestlothian profile image
9 Replies

What really is the difference?

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Debswestlothian profile image
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9 Replies
wp22 profile image

I have a small fibroid pressing on or near my bladder and endo. However I have had 5 fibroids removed, they have grown over the last 2 years because as a result of having endo and it producing more estrogen than I need. I am scared that this one remaining fibroid will be growing quickly and I am afraid I will have more growing. The op is a very painful recovery but worth it in the long run as I was really anaemic due to heavy bleeding which has now gone nearly back to normal. I couldn't leave the house for 3 days a month for about a year. X

Charliechocolate profile image
Charliechocolate in reply to wp22

Oh I forgot to ask. With it pressing on yr bladder does this keep you up at night on the loo? As I'm up 5 x a night wearing for England. It's driven me to sleeping pills, which I hate taking?

Yes unfortunately I have had Endo (and PCOS) for over 20 years.

Last December I had a MRI scan which also showed adenomyosis and a fibroid (1.7cm).

Not much fun is it?

What treatments have they suggested for you?

Charliechocolate profile image

Yes I have both. I'm going to have my first lap on Monday. So I will let you know what they plan to do next regarding fibroid ? Good luck and never give up. We can all fight this together!!!:) x

tootsweet89 profile image
tootsweet89 in reply to Charliechocolate

Good luck for Monday. I've got my first lap in two weeks for exploratory endo and very nervous. I'm 24 and have a fibroid too. It's the not knowing and the pain I'm not looking forward to. All the best keep strong. x

wp22 profile image

Yes mine is pressing on my bladder, strange because my last MRI scan this fibroid was the biggest but when they had taken out the others and told me what had happened when I woke up this was the smallest fibroid. Mmmm I think they ran out of time and left it hp behind. Nice for me hey.... I do wake up in the night but it's more early in the morning before the alarm goes off, I am dying for the loo x

stevieflp profile image

Hi - if you read up on Estrogen Dominance you will find that endo, PCOS, fibroids and a whole host of other conditions etc are all thought to be exacerbated by Estrogen Dominance. Estrogen Dominance does not necessarily mean high estrogen levels but that estrogen is high in relation to progesterone levels. Apparently it all depends where the receptors in your body react as to what symptoms will develop. Possibly not a co-incidence that many also have fibromyalgia, PMT, menstrual headaches, etc etc. Makes a good read if you have not done so already:

Estrogen Dominance by Dr Michael Lam

The Miracle of Bio-identical Hormones by Dr Michael E Platt

also look into xenoestrogens. I have posted quite a bit about it on here but also lots of info on the internet.

All best wishes x

Impatient profile image

Debs - cuddlybarb found a really good website explaining the two unrelated and very different gynae conditions.

With illustrations to help in your understanding.

Debswestlothian profile image

Thanks I went today to gynae and they want to put in the Mirena Coil. Why I am so scared of it.

Not what you're looking for?

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