Getting Better: Last Saturday I... - Encephalitis Inte...

Encephalitis International

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Getting Better

Gandalf2 profile image
9 Replies

Last Saturday I travelled with my wife about 20 miles to a local Saturday market, slightly unnerving because I used to travel this route regularly by car and bicycle and hardly recognised any of it. Got to the market - lots of people, daylight was fading, people all shapes and sizes, quite a few dogs on leads, cobbled surface underfoot, cars revving their engines and going this way and that, bargains galore and a loud out of tune busker. I chatted to a disabled man about his powered tricycle. All in all a quite unusual and busy situation for me.

In the recent past this would have all been too much and resulted in a panic attack. Now, with my wife's help I negotiated the chaos and bizarreness and I bought a pair of slippers. My wife drove us back home through the night and we celebrated another step on my road to recovery.

I distinctly felt that the experience had helped me advance a few more steps back to my pre-Enc self, rather than have been a step too far. We now plan more days out to busy and slightly challenging places and hopefully the trips will have a similarly encouraging effect.

Best Wishes to all you folk. G2

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Gandalf2 profile image
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9 Replies
OldGnome profile image

Hello G2!!

This is absolutely fabulous news!!! That trip of 20 miles must have seemed to take forever for you, but you did it!! After being in a state of confinement for so long, all the sights and sounds must have indeed been quite a bit much to take in, but once again, you did it! If I wore a hat I would take it off to you! 😀

I have found that the more I do such things, the better. We really do become "desensitized" to sights/sounds to the point where they do not really bother us in a negative manner very much. For myself, once in a while a trip didn't go as well, and I felt a bit "panicky", but I had to remind myself that it was no big deal, and that the next trip would be better. And so it is!

Now I can be in the midst of a VERY crowded store, like yesterday, and have essentially NO feelings of anxiety/panic at all! I am becoming more of an extrovert, and find myself smiling at or having short, pleasant conversations with others who are shopping.

I am going to try something I have not been able to do in many years, which is attend my company's Christmas party! The only problem is that a tie/jacket is required and none of what I own fits any more! ☹️ My theory is that the clothes shrunk when they were in storage in my closets. The fact that the number on the scale is higher when I weigh myself, than it used to be, has nothing to do with my ill-fitting clothes! 😜

Wishing you a greater day as you celebrate your forward progress!!!


GreenBamboo profile image

Hi G2, Such a positive uplifting story.

It reminded me of all the stimuli that we encounter every day and not think about it until post-enc!

I hope that each time you are exposed to these experiences that become less & less challenging until they are the norm

Thank you for sharing 😀

The_Bass profile image

Absolutely fantastic to read this Gandalf2 ! Keep on going!

Easier said than done but I think it’s a good idea to take on challenges with the idea that, if something goes wrong, don’t beat yourself up - that’s encephalitis - but if it does go right, no matter how big or small or ‘well in my previous existence’ it feels like it should be, take it as a tick and slowly fill up the life working book with ticks.

All the best from me.

beachy1980 profile image

I feel same way about busy environments now after e, but I feel like I’m pushing myself just a little bit every time and that seems to be the key for me. Thanks for your lovely encouraging post! 👍

Wygella profile image

Oh well done! That’s a really big step forward. I remember my first successful, coping trip out and feeling so happy and proud and then the boost of not crashing straight afterwards. Absolutely plan some more and take each one gently and I know this will really help in those forward steps.

Like Old Gnome says, there will be the occasional trip when you try and pack a bit too much in and it doesn’t quite work but those aren’t often. And I think you’re wiser than me so will be able to balance things better!!

You’ve made us all happy with this post!

HSE_Survivor profile image

That successful market visit will be such a special moment that you’ll never forget. That is a wonderful step forward in the recovery journey !

Thanks for sharing. 😊

Seewatching profile image

So happy for your sharing!Your nice words give an echo of hoping and tell me that you are a great hero!

Gandalf2 profile image
Gandalf2 in reply to Seewatching

Aww shucks - I was impressed by the chap on the powered tricycle. We're all heroes I reckon.

Remos profile image

Bravissimo old boy! Fantastic news. Not just for you but for all of us. Very encouraging.

Your trip out sounds fairly full on by anybody’s standards. Maybe your next trip out should be on the ferris wheel in Leeds city centre. (Not sure any of us would survive that 🤪)

Anyway very reassuring to know that your progress continues in such a positive manner. Both you and your wife must be very encouraged by this. Well done and long may your recovery continue.

All the best and apologies for being a bit slow in responding.
