Enc, covid and pneumonia - life on an... - Encephalitis Inte...

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Enc, covid and pneumonia - life on an NHS 'covid ward'

Gandalf2 profile image
7 Replies

Waited 18 hours for a bed with junkies sleeping on the floor and accident/assault victims. Went in with covid and pneumonia, staff never looked at my medical case notes which require about a dozen medications for life threatening issues and conditions including, epilepsy, seizures, ptsd, auto immune deficiency.

We took in our dossette box and prescription list. I don't think they ever looked at either and nor would they give me access to my medications.

Waited hours for pain relief which I normally self dose, including Paracetamol and morphine. Lots of blame shifting, 'back in two minutes' bs, covering up, staff disappear and fail to return, food bad - I recommend salads.

Obs takers good, night staff just standing around talking, patients screaming and shouting obscenities through the day and night. More like a mental hospital. I was in an isolation room - despite the clear notices my door was left open day and night. Mattress worn out, curtains dangling from a few hooks. No-one seemed to care or be bothered, many nurses had poor training and language skills. Only the tea ladies and support staff seemed to interested or care.

My wife came and collected me as soon as I tested negative for covid. We decided to treat my pneumonia at home with anti-biotics rather than stay there. A terrible experience would never go back. Whoever supervises and/or audits needs replacing.

P.S. - the NHS patient's review moderators refused to print the report/review.

"Unfortunately, we are unable to publish your review as, in our opinion we feel you have used words and / or phrases that could be deemed defamatory and / or libelous."

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Gandalf2 profile image
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7 Replies
OldGnome profile image

Jeepers G2, sounds like you had an experience only found in movies!! And that's NOT a good thing!! You survived it, but I never knew that conditions there were that bad!!

Here, everything is done for the almighty dollar, but at least my local hospital is spotless with great staff, in general!

Also here, we get free in-home covid tests sent to us. All we have to do is provide name and shipping address and the post office delivers them promptly. I came down with Covid last Tuesday and used my last in-home test. Well, they are shipping even more of them free, so I ordered another set and this time EIGHT of them will be arriving in my mailbox.

I dug around and found a pic of my room in the hospital! Not too big, but very clean!! I hope you recover from this latest round of medical troubles as quickly as possible!!


My original hospital room!
Remos profile image

Hi Gandalf - what a terrible and sad experience. However, none of what you say surprises me. I had 5 weeks of the same slack, blase attitude when I was admitted last year. Made to feel a nuisance if I pressed the buzzer more than twice in the night. Lack of caring and quite often resentment of having to do things for you was widespread. Some nurses were great but most seemed indifferent. Upsetting myself just thinking about it all.You did the right thing discharging yourself. No place like home.

Hope you’re on the mend.


Gandalf2 profile image
Gandalf2 in reply to Remos

Thank you for your response. Hopefully the sort-term memory loss side effect of Enc will help. Cheers.

Remos profile image
Remos in reply to Gandalf2

You just need to relax with a nice cup of warthog tea and a game of donkey.

Gandalf2 profile image
Gandalf2 in reply to Remos

Ha ha - just what I needed. 😃

Wygella profile image

Oh my goodness. That sounds just awful. I’m so so sorry you had to go through all that. What a nightmare! Is it postcode lottery? Because unfortunately I too was in hospital last week. Our local hospital has a system of A and E but then there is an emergency care centre too. As I had gastroenteritis I was eligible to go there. And all I can say is it was spotlessly clean. Staff were brilliant, kind, efficient and dealt with us all so well. The longest wait was for blood test results to come through and see the doctor. I know that isn’t A and E though. I so wish you’d had this type care too. I’m so sorry that your NHS trust is obviously failing badly. Sending a big internet hug.

GreenBamboo profile image

Hi G2,

So sorry to hear of your experience. I hope you are picking up now and on the road to recovery now you are home and being looked after by your lovely wife.

My memory of being in hospital when so poorly was sad as well. I was in hospital for a week and had 1 shower, I wasn't well enough to look after myself, it was during COVID lockdown and so no visitors to keep an eye on my care, when I came out my hair was matted and stuck to my head.

There was a nurse that was so rough with the injections I refused for her to give me anymore, so no blood thinners for me (of course not a sensible stance to take, but I wasn't thinking straight).

The NHS saved my life but I truly believe that there is a lack of care & compassion from some that work in it.

I did also have some fantastic care as well of course.

You take care and get back to strength soon