Usually when you are discharged from hospital your meant to make slow improvements to get better given encephalitis some things are expected such as the headaches and eye sensitivity and smells can be stronger and sound. So far since discharge had the usual after math symptoms and then every other niggle such as sore back with layen down . Now some weird oral infection that’s caused swellin on inside cheeks which are tender and cause bad ear ache . And sensitive teeth caused by teeth grinding which has recently started since I was in hospital, will be glad when some of these calm down and give me a break . 2nd Covid vaccine coming up so probably feel crap for a day or two with that as well. . Think body is just run down. Trying to get back to fitness like cycling and running with the daughter is mind boggling to say the least, when you think you are going forward something else knocks you back a few stages, update 2nd dose of Pfiyzer biontech vaccine 1 day later side affects started think I have taken them a little stronger than I did with first one, usual so far feeling warm, random headaches , sore arm leading to shoulder. Apart from that fee ok so far
Recovery phase : Usually when you are... - Encephalitis Inte...
Recovery phase

You sound like you’re actually doing really well although I’m sure it doesn’t feel like it. Unfortunately I was still getting weird bits of my body reconnecting to my brain after at least two years but three years on that appears to have stopped although I do still get a bit of brain fog and fatigue which I know is very common. Everyone is different though so try not to over push yourself because that can actually set you back. Just take it steady. Sorry I know it’s frustrating but I will happen. (Although I still grind my teeth on one side!). Good luck.
Hi Heavychunky,
From reading your posts I think we were both diagnosed with Encephalitis at roughly the same time . I was diagnosed with HSV Encephalitis in May this year.
I wrote a post on it just recently.
Like you I am in the early recovery stage and seem to suffer from a whole range of symptoms which affect me with varying degrees each day. I also seem to get the odd new symptom most weeks. It’s very scary.
My main symptoms at the moment are: Dizziness, head fog, feeling detached from everything, emotional (ranging from crying to being very angry), muscle ache, pins and needles and an overall feeling of not being very well.
I didn’t get any advice or guidance on what to expect or what to do/not to do from the hospital. So I’ve found it all very hard. Don’t really know if I’m getting better or worse.
However, I do take comfort from the many posts (including yours) that I’m not alone in this and that I need to accept it’s a long recovery time ie months/years.
The Encephalitis society is also an excellent source of support. Maybe worth you joining if you haven’t already.
I’m sure you’re making a good recovery but perhaps like me you don’t always see it.
Please keep posting.