A little of a weird question but something playing in my mind. Has anyone had any issues with dental work after hsv Encephalitis / brain injury due to after affects and such
Dentists : A little of a weird question... - Encephalitis Inte...
I am a dentist and have had encephalitis. ..no problem at all
Nope, no dental problems for me after E. Dental visits are just normal (provided I remember to show up!)
Hi and good morning hope your well. Well I attended the dentist no work done just antibiotics as there is swelling. Think when I came down with encephalitis I may have been biting down on my teeth hard at some point and now this has gave me 7 teeth in pain and possible extraction of most , and the lovely antibiotics gave me a reaction of swollen throat 3 hours nearly spent at out of hours . Weird thing is I’m not allergic to penicillin so must have been something I lose in the antibiotic ,
Yes I have had massive dental work and root canals. This turned out to be a nerve brain pain not my teeth. A neurologist reported this. I had been to many different Doctors about this TMJ pain but after 4 root canals and tooth extractions due to pain. Brain pain not teeth pain.