Thanks to all of you on this website. Hearing your experience encourages me while on this journey with my husband. I would like to hear about your experience regarding your socializing with others while on Rituxan and Cellcept. I know these drugs will reduce your immune system and need to be careful about being around people. We have reduced our social circle since COVID however the COVID virus is very low in our area. My husband who has the encephalitis is a social person. He loves to socialize with others. Looking forward to your hearing your experience. Thanks
Socializing while on Rituxan and Cell... - Encephalitis Inte...
Socializing while on Rituxan and Cellcept

I avoided anyone with cold or flu symptoms had flu pnemonia and covid jab that's it I love people too. Btw the flu jab gave me memory loss and confusion but not the covid one .... interesting .hope that helps
Hi NebraskaTexas,
I completely relate to your husband, I have been on both Cellcept and Rituximab, and as you say it is difficult to navigate socializing during the COVID pandemic.
Personally, I check in with my doctor as much as possible and present scenarios to him such as; "Can I meet a few friends socially distanced in a park?" and see what he says. I find this also helps keep my concerns about catching infections low and I definitely feel reassured talking things out with my doctor.
It is important to acknowledge how difficult and isolating it can be and I would definitely suggest using zoom, facetime as a form of connecting with others!