For the last 3 weeks my right sinus has been almost completely blocked. There was a slight improvement after 8-9 days, then it got worse again. The doctor has now prescribed amoxicillin 3 a day for 5 days. For the last 4 days I have hade a really miserable pain on the right side of my face for which I have been taking paracetamol. Why is it lasting so long and why is the inflammation so severe? Any advice would be so helpful. I’m in a lot of discomfort and pain.
Blocked Inflamed Sinus. Can anybody help and advise - EFA
Blocked Inflamed Sinus. Can anybody help and advise

I've had the same problem for years, sometimes antibiotics but Drs may also prescribe a steroid nose spray, mine is caused by a deviated septum,I've recently started using nasal saline rinses and they gave me a lot of relief. I would be dr first, in case there is an infection and u need antibiotics x
I swear by sudafed. I use the max strength one because sinusitis makes me feel sick and dizzy and generally awful. I make sure i always have it in the house. I know when it's my sinuses because of the symptoms and i start a course immediately. Hope this helps you it's so horrible. Marion
Thanks Marion, How long did your infection last? I’ve had my Sinus infection For coming up to 4 weeks now. At 10 days to 2 weeks I would describe it as pain down the right side of my face. As you say it was really horrible, not able to sleep. 5 days of amoxicillin & nasal irrigation may have helped. I think it is just beginning to improve. Fingers crossed. Thanks for your advice.
I have also used Sudafed. It works compared to everything else I have been given, but it should not be used for more than 7 days.
If your sinus is inflamed, chances are you have taken too much or the wrong type. Loratidine is the best option for sinuses or Flonase, you can both OTC. Be careful not too take too much or the sinus blockage will continue.
As an aromatherapist I've helped many people with such irritableness as this:-Picture wearing big-ish glasses, roughly the frame sits where ur sinus cavity lies. Take ur index finger [tip/pad] with small circles, press [lightly initially + building] small O's, follow ur imaginary line [EVERYWHERE] where the frames touch the skin.
Other things can be added to help [ not that 😇.]
As an aromatherapist I've helped many people with such irritableness as this:-Picture wearing big-ish glasses, roughly the frame sits where ur sinus cavity lies. Take ur index finger [tip/pad] with small circles, press [lightly initially + building] small O's, follow ur imaginary line [EVERYWHERE] where the frames touch the skin.
Other things can be added to help [ not that 😇.]
HiHave you tried tapping? This was recommended to me by someone and it’s been my salvation. I also wash out my nasal cavities with a saline spray. There’s full instructions on the attached for tapping.