No including guys and at Tomas or the private clinic, as I won't be able to go there.
My care team are looking at Bath or Stanmore. But I think Bath might be able to deal with my level of need better.
Thank you!
No including guys and at Tomas or the private clinic, as I won't be able to go there.
My care team are looking at Bath or Stanmore. But I think Bath might be able to deal with my level of need better.
Thank you!
Hiya! I went to Stanmore years ago and have said that I'm now interested in doing the 3 week course as I only did the 2 week one. I thought it was incredibly helpful, I really enjoyed it and the people were lovely. When I went it was very different but 2 of the girls I met there have both been more recently and have been multiple times. What's your main concern if you don't mind me asking?
Hi, they do a full assessment about 4 months prior and answer all questions to enable the best outcome for you. At yjis stage if it's not suitable they say and you can cancel the residential, but just explore it as an option and see how you feel after the full assessment period.
I am going for mine shortly and can report then, but reading other people's experience, they speak to you 1 to 1 and gather all info about what you would like to gain from it and address all concerns. Ref the ward issue, they do a hotel one where you can be alone and still get all the help.
Okay thank you. Would be really helpful if you can let me know your experience. Also how long was the wait for you?Thank you
Did you go? How was it? And, which one did you go to? I don't think the Stanmore one offers a hotel.
I have been yet. We phoned stanmore up today and they have been delayed by COVID going through triarging referrals but would should know something by next week. I probably wouldn't be able to stay in a hotel anyway and if I did I would need someone to stay with me.
hi thetealharp, sorry, I replied to wrong person. I meant to ask unicorn about their experience as they said they were going shortly and about the hotel situation. But, thank you for answering. Do you mind me asking, why you wouldn't want to/be able to stay in a hotel? Did they suggest you could stay in a hotel? I'm asking for a reason. It could be helpful to know. As you mentioned you don't do well in ward environments, I would have thought the hotel option would work for you. Still, no matter which option, I hope it works it for you! Whatever way is comfortable, for you.
No worries. I wouldn't be able to independently stay at hotel due to my support needs, I need someone with me the whole time. So it would take a lot of planning for the rehab course. If I was in a hospital I would need to be in a separate room with 1-1 support. Or hotel with 1-1 support, however it depends on the timing of this because my parents would not be able to do if this is during school term and they both work in school, so it would take a lot of planning of who could support me. I haven't had my first appointment yet, I should hear from them next week. We will have to have a serious conversation about how we can meet my support needs during the course.
Did you go? How was it? And, which one did you go to? I don't think the Stanmore one offers a hotel. (sorry, I replied to the wrong person, ha!)
They have 2 options: one is in the hospital ward and other is a nearby hotel. They talk through the choice that is right for you during the pre assessment. Yes, Stanmore. It is now back and running after the covid break but is now about 1 year waiting compared to 6 months prior to covid.
Hey Unicorn, thanks so much for the reply! I really appreciate it. Great news, let us know how you get on and what it's like, if you're able. Would be interested. And, good luck! I hope you learn loads.
Hi I don't know if you realize but I have replied above! Just wondering are you thinking of going to stanmore?
Hello! Yes, I saw. Sorry, been quite focused elsewhere and didn't manage to reply. Thanks for your response, it's very much appreciated. I'd love to hear how you get on, what it's like etc. And, what they say in your upcoming meeting. Best of luck with this! I've just had an apt where this was mentioned and so, I'm curious.