Our daughter has been diagnosed with hEDS and Behçet’s disease. We are from New Zealand. Which doctor would you recommend-Dr Hakim or Dr Aziz ? Thanks
Dr Hakim or Dr Aziz : Our daughter has... - The Ehlers-Danlos...
Dr Hakim or Dr Aziz

Dr Hakim and Prof Aziz have different specialities.
Dr Hakim is a rheumatologist with a special interest in Ehlers Danlos. He can diagnose Ehlers Danlos and then refer you to whichever specialists might be appropriate.
Prof Aziz is a gastroenterologist. He also has an interest in Ehlers Danlos which often - but not always - affects the Gi tract.
If you want an initial diagnosis of EDS and do not yet have one then it is probably better to start with a rheumatologist like Dr Hakim or Dr Kazkaz who are specialists in connective tissues disorders and how they can affect your joints and also you systemically.
If you already have a diagnosis and are having gastro and digestive issues then you could go immediately to Prof Aziz.
Both doctors can be seen at the Hypermobility Centre at the Wellington Hospital in London.
On the Bechet's front there will be other specialists particularly interested in this.
Hope this helps
If she has greater problems with digestive stuff then Prof Aziz, if more for an overview and rheumatology then Dr Haikim, I've met both, seen one, they're both nice. Good luck x
Hi - sorry to hear about your daughter should she end up with severe gastro problems where she struggles to eat due to severe gastroparesis, paralysed intestines, anal prolapse etc etc then I would recommend St Marks in Harrow. My daughter will soon been seeing dr Simon Gabe for her severe gastro issues. Not sure if this can be done privately though? We are hoping to see him through the NHS as Aviva insurance company has decided to stop paying for any tests/ treatments going forward. Wishing you the best of luck. Xx