can anyone help
just been told I have stage 3 CKD do not... - Early CKD Support
just been told I have stage 3 CKD do not know were to start ,I smoke am over weight and I feel totally depressed ,so
Hello and welcome Carl. This is a very knowledgeable community and I am sure they will give you lots of encouragement. This must feel very scary right now so take time to digest the diagnosis and take a breathe.
Firstly where are you from please? as I am unable to tell if you are in the UK or another country. For now I will include below information websites for you to look at in the UK. Have you seen a Consultant and specialist nurse yet please, I ask these questions so as to gain some insight to be able to help you feel more in control of your own health.
The NHS website gives you an overview of Kidney Disease, tests, causes,treatments and importantly health lifestyle.
Take it slowly and ask questions of the health professionals, they are there to help guide you.
Best wishes and do let us all know how you are getting on. Tel: 01420 541424, Mon-Friday 9am until 5pm. Tel: 0300 303 1100,
Carl, know how you feel the diagnosis can be a shock and concerning.
I am male 78, in U.S.. After diagnosed at stage 3, my wife and I went to a Davita class on introduction to kidney disease. It was and is very helpful. There also some web site classes. My Doctor put me on a appropriate renal diet and exercise routine for my age and stage. The condition can be remediated. Important to work with your Doctor on treatment/diet plan, to slow down progress After 3 years the progression has slowed down. This is a good forum for support and sharing information.
It's never to late to stop smoking.. and ask your doctor he can help with that.. and take care of your self... you can do this.. it might seem hard now! My friend had stage 4 and that was 5 years ago.. one day at a time
The first thing you can do about it is to stop smoking. Now. (You can do it.)
Hi I was told at Christmas I was stage 3 also. My reading was 48 so naturally I was concerned, although I don’t smoke I was a heavy drinker and lived on junk food. The day after I was told I made myself a promise, to change. I stopped drinking, cut down caffeine to hardly any cut out sugar to hardly any and started eating healthy foods. My weight came off slowly and I am now just were I should be and my reading is up to 64. So if you make the choice to change and stick to it improvements will come. Just have faith in yourself and self belief and anything is possible.
Start a determined fight to keep your stage of CKD under control. Keeping to a recommend diet you will also find your weight slowly decreasing and have a feeling of being healthier. It will help you to feel better within yourself and ease your low mood. It will seem hard at the start but you will soon get into the rhythm of looking at good ingredients with less salts, potassium, and protein etc. Take all good professional advice. It is hard to give up smoking....I did it but wasn't easy. Take that part slowly and concentrate on stabilising your kidney function first. I wish you well and know you can do it
Try an e cig. I gave up smoking 40 a day with vaping. Can't loose weight though as stage 4 CKD and underactive thyroid. Leaking 3 gm protein a day but after taking ramapril protein leak gone down to under 1 gm a day.
I too have suffered depression and found getting out walking the dogs helps to lift it.
Wishing you well for the future.