Real scientists and engineers don't go around calculating multiple digit multiplications and square and cube roots on paper and pencil every day. They use slide rules, and computers.
I don't have to memorize and be able to list in a timed test all the possible routes from my house to the school, the university, the church, the club, the stores, the gym, the campsite, the library, before I am allowed to get a driver's license and drive myself around town!
I don't have to take a test of 500,000 high level vocabulary words before I am allowed to read Shakespeare, Chaucer, John Donne, Voltaire, Plato, Aquinas, the New York Times, USA Today and Reader's Digest!
I don't have to design and build my own engine and car before I am allowed to own or drive one. I let specialists do that for me; that is the beauty of living in a structured and specialized society.I don't have to know how to do everything! Same with my house, unless I happen to be a design engineer, architect, or contractor.
I don't have to be able to list by rote all the ingredients in a recipe before I cook it; I just look at the cookbook!
I don't have to have memorized all the chemicals, vitamins, enzymes and other compounds in fruits, vegetables and meats before I am allowed to eat them or serve them to my family!
The model for education should be like Just In Time Inventory Management: (you order it when you need it!)
This is just job security for the school systems. Read Ivan Illich's book: Deschooling Society. Although it is several decades old, the basic truths are still relevant today.