Social Media & Online Policy
The purpose of this policy is to explain how we use social media and online channels to disseminate charity messages and generate discussion with audiences; our posting guidelines and moderation policy for online user-generated content and publication of Health & Social Care information.
Website –
The DRWF website is our ‘shop window’ – it provides information on all aspects of the charity’s work providing options to gather diabetes specific information, request further support, or to engage with the charity for fundraising or volunteering purposes.
The ‘Resources’ section of the website carries our Information Standard accredited Diabetes Information Leaflets and an explanation of the Standard and how it supports ‘Health & Care information that you can trust’.
The ‘Living with Diabetes’ section of our website reproduces some of this accredited information as an extraction of the original published content and is followed by a statement to this effect/link to the full resource within the site ie.
Only Health & Social Care information which has previously been published within the IS accredited Diabetes Wellness News or Diabetes Information Leaflets covered by the scope of the Standard is reproduced on the DRWF website. Source references can be provided on request for any UK or global diabetes statistics quoted within the site or within our information leaflets. Our IS policy document can be found here
Social Media and online communities
We use social media channels, networks and online communities to disseminate charity messages and communicate with people interested in our work. We may engage in conversation to encourage the sharing of experience, ask questions and provide mutual support. We will signpost to information within our website, or printed publications and engage in general discussion around our cause. We do not offer information as a substitute for professional medical advice. We encourage people to consult with their GP or specific healthcare provider if they have concerns about their health or social care. We might signpost to reputable providers of additional support.
We are not responsible for advertising content on social media websites or online communities and have no control over which adverts appear on their pages. We are not responsible for social media websites and online communities being unavailable.
Our ‘posting rules’ are published on each of our channels, networks, communities or forums which sets out how users should post. We call these posts ‘user-generated content’. We are not liable for user-generated content.
Posting guidelines
When using social media channels such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+ and Health Unlocked, individuals will be able to post messages, ask questions, engage in discussion, read and share personal stories and experiences with others in a similar situation. Individuals are responsible for what they write. Individuals should speak their mind freely, but remember that their ‘voice’ will be heard by many people so sensitivity should be shown to the feelings and opinions of others. Not everyone will agree or share the same opinions. Agree to disagree in a friendly and peaceful manner. Remember that sharing negative experiences can be scary for others, so posts should be honest but gentle/considerate. Sharing positive experiences is encouraged but it should be considered that not everyone will have the same positivity towards a subject or discussion point.
The key points for all those ‘posting’ to remember -
Try not to offer ‘advice’. Don’t suggest that someone ‘should’ or ‘shouldn’t’. Don’t judge. Do NOT use DRWF platforms to be critical of particular individuals or healthcare providers as you may find yourself open to legal action and DRWF will take no responsibility for this.
DRWF retains the right to remove messages that –
•Are off topic or unrelated to the discussion piece
•Are disrespectful, malicious or offensive
•Could be considered a personal attack on a person’s character
•Include swearing or obscenity
•Incite hatred on the basis of race, religion, gender, nationality or sexuality or any other personal characteristic
•Impersonate or falsely claim to represent a person or organization
•Are illegal; including libel or breaking copyright law
•Contain personal information like telephone numbers, address details, emails etc.
•Advertise commercial activity or make requests for donations or money in support of the charity unless previously agreed in advance with DRWF
Enquiries or concerns about posting can be emailed to
DRWF staff and trusted volunteers administer the charity’s social media channels and communities, acting as moderators and are also encouraged to participate in the comments and message streams where appropriate, identifying themselves with their own name and signaling that they are commenting in an ‘official capacity’.
We do not pre-moderate user-generated content before it goes live however, all channels and communities are monitored regularly. We will delete any comments or messages that do not meet our posting guidelines. We do not do this to censor views. We want to ensure that all user-generated content relates to the subject in discussion. Moderation will not be used to suppress legitimate, reasoned, appropriate discussion.
We will ban anyone who does not follow the posting guidelines or rules and if required to do so, will follow up on reasonable requests to explain why we have done this. We do not make a commitment to respond to every individual comment, message, post or tweet.
Our channels
Website/Social media linking
Although we do not have a published online linking policy at this time, we will not link to:
•Sites that are judgmental towards any individuals or groups of individuals
•Sites that contain illegal, offensive or misleading information
•Sites promoting unproven advice, therapies or products
•Sites that charge for access
•Sites that have unethical views
•Sites that offer cures or treatments for diabetes
Do not post anything that you don’t have the right to publish or which violates copyright law. This also includes copying the DRWF logo without permission.
We reserve the right to modify or alter our policy and guidelines at any time.
If you would like to provide feedback to DRWF please email