I have been in the group since 20th April last year and feel like I have made some progress. I have cut down the frequency that I drink and the quantities on most occasions, but I must admit that there has been a few occasions that I am not very proud of.
I am feeling a little bit pleased with myself today because I have just returned from five days in Germany at a family wedding. When all of the guests at the wedding were staying at the same hotel the inevitable drinking get-togethers every evening happened and I managed to stay in control. Even when the bride was giving us all a taste of her fathers homemade schnapps (fire water😂)
Some of you may know from my previous post here that I like to count things so here are the stats from the Drinkaware app for the last year. Although I have had beer, wine and vodka I have listed it here as the equivalent of one litre bottles of vodka for easy comparison.
I have drunk just short of 32 litres of vodka over the year, still too much but better than the 130 litre average that I reckon I must have been drinking before.
I intend to improve on that over the next year and I hope to have the continued support of you good people here.
Best wishes and success with your own battles against the demon drink.