So a customer recommended a 0% wine and I thought I'd give it a go. It was very nice and refreshing. I poured it into a nice glass and sipped it slowly. I will be able to get up for my early shift in the morning without a hangover and won't have to worry about driving to work thinking I might still be over the limit x
Day 4 almost over: So a customer recommended a... - Drink Free
Day 4 almost over
That's great Twink. I'm glad you had a relaxing evening and sounds like you enjoyed your food as well. I've just woken up with a clear head. Kettle is on for a brew before I get ready for work. Have a lovely Sunday. Nothing like relaxing with a cat on your lap x
You’re replacing wine with wine, albeit 0%. How about trying tea or an infusion 🍵. I make a very large pot in the evening, caffeine free, like camomile made with dried camomile not tea bags. I have a very nice glass tea pot to make it an occasion like the Japanese do. You have quantity of tea. Instead of finishing a bottle of wine, you finish the pot of tea. And you sleep 😴 well.
this is my second alcohol free stint which i’m finding really difficult. I previously went without alcohol for eight months and loved every minute of being sober. i did notice after a few weeks that it wasn’t alcohol i was craving, it was sugar. I was a bottle of wine a night most nights kind of person so i replaced alcohol with ginger beer which satisfied the taste need and topped up with Haribos if i needed. I also spent many hours in the bath listening to music or reading as a distraction. i read a book which said just do what you need to do, just don’t drink. Once i realised it was sugar i psychologically was able to better control things, and after a good few weeks those 4 bottles of ginger beer a night was reduced to one and the Haribos went.
For anyone trying to give up alcohol, then Alcohol Change UK starts Sober Spring for 3 months starting March 20th. Remember ‘ if at first you don’t succeed, keep trying’ .
Really positive post! Nice to have an alternative. I’ve been doing the same. Feels like I’m not deprived. 👍