Hi has anyone on here had an alcohol detox? I am new here and have an assessment today with Beacon Services and then hopefully detox. Feel abit anxious and nervous. Could anyone please share there experience of the procedure please?
Hi has anyone on here had an alcohol detox? I am new here and have an assessment today with Beacon Services and then hopefully detox. Feel abit anxious and nervous. Could anyone please share there experience of the procedure please?
Hi, Raj. I’ve twice experienced detox. The last time was in 2003. My town is small and our detox center for alcohol was basic. I was screened and questioned about my alcohol use and my medical history was discussed. My vitals were taken upon arriving and regularly for the remainder of my stay…3 days maximum. The screening was to determine if I was ok to stay or needed hospital care instead. Sometimes meds were given as needed to help with the withdrawals. No doctors were in this clinic, just nurses. If someone was in danger with severe withdrawals, they were transported to the hospital. We were fed well, if a person was well enough to eat. Clean beds, activities for those who felt like participating, AA meetings, movies, strict supervision (a must). We were visited and counseled by addiction specialists and representatives from AA. There were people with various stages of alcoholism. I was one of the lucky ones that alcohol hadn’t completely brought me to my knees or flat on my back YET. But my withdrawals were bad enough that I couldn’t read, sit still, sleep and I ate little. I stuck through the three days because I knew I would feel better each day without alcohol. And I did. I stuck through it because I had to or else my life would become like those other poor souls who had nothing left to lose. And I still had a lot to lose. The nurses could have been a little more empathetic towards us, but they did their job and did it well. The point of going to a detox center instead of detoxing at home is because it’s safe and at the first sign of the jitters you can’t drink. Plus, it’s a start or continuation of learning about alcoholism and yourself. Ride it out, tough it out, trudge through it, but do it, my friend. Go to your detox center and save your life. 🍀
P.S. Detox isn’t all doom and gloom. Because there are other people just like you there, camaraderie is abundant and a lot of laughter heard. Even among the sickest residents.
Hi Isinatra Thankyou so much for sharing your experience with me. It’s encouraged me to go for it whole heartedly. I’ve had my assessment today over the phone and have an appointment with the nurse for pre detox assessment. Tomorrow I have to have my liver function blood test.
I have decided to do this as I know if I don’t I will be buried under a lot younger than I should be.
Laughter is what I need to get me through this so that’s good!
You’re so welcome. It takes a little courage, but it sounds like you’ll be safe during your time there. It’s only for three days and you’ll also learn about what you need to do once you leave there. Take comfortable changes of clothes. When I said they fed you well, I really mean it. There are snacks and drinks available 24 hours and some people actually gain a few pounds while there. It’s a time to indulge yourself not deny. 🍪🍦🍩🍫🥜🍕
Hi, raj, I've had 5 detoxes 3 at home by a community detox then 2 at hospital, there's nothing to worry about your getting help! I'm currently needing another detox or a rehabilitation centre but they not got funding!! Irrelevant about me, it will be seriously hard to detox but you'll have the right pills, Chlordiazepoxide is was you want. You'll get sober again again fella! Wish you all the best 👍
Thanks for the advice Ash. Just one question I was under the impression that one detox will do to keep you off the drink afterwards, as long as you take your meds. Am I wrong?
I just want a detox and come off it completely. I have to have it in the community as the Nurse that does it at home is off sick. I’ll be going in the mornings and coming home in the evenings so it’s not so bad.
One detox can start you off on the path to not drinking again, if you follow the suggestions that should be part of the detox program. The detox removes the alcohol safely from your system, but post detox programs are needed to help you remain alcohol free. Meds can’t be taken forever or keep you from drinking again. It takes more than meds and and a good luck with your life attitude from the medical community. I hope your detox process contains suggestions for you to attend support groups afterwards.
I didn’t know you were partially detoxing at home and I was surprised to learn that it was done. I can understand the process if you are supervised by a nurse at home. I realize that all countries and even areas within countries have different ways of treating alcoholism and I’m always looking for better ways. Detoxing at home is a treatment I’ve never heard of so I’m eager to find out the success rate of it.