Too much booze N food... anyone else? - Drink Free

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Too much booze N food... anyone else?

Moomcd profile image
25 Replies


Bit daunting this, but going out on a limb...

Shocker of a year on the drink, in a nutshell, got to rain my neck in... big time.

As a result I have put on weight and feel awful, mentally and physically so things need to change. I'm looking for people in the same boat, over the last awful 18months who else has thrown the towel in and drank too much, eaten too much and got lazy, hands up? Who else doesn't want to keep doing what they're doing? I know I need moral support and quick... woke up at 2am this morning berating myself until dawn... The Guilt trips are awful... can anyone else relate?

Please get in touch, I think I am done with the whole drinking thing but need encouragement...


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Moomcd profile image
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25 Replies
Isinatra profile image

Did your drinking increase due to the covid situation? Boredom? Being able to help a person depends on knowing more background info. Other than weight gain, hangovers, alcohol induced depression and anxiety (guilt trips), those can be remedied when you stop drinking, do you have a problem with how much you drink or the ability to stop after one or two. Are you always fighting to control how much you drink? Some people go to alcohol because it’s an easy fix for what ails you and it’s just a habit that can be easily broken. Or it has progressed into much more than a habit. It’s difficult to make suggestions until the picture is more clear. For too many people, alcohol isn’t safe, even if it is legal. It’s good that you are concerned about your situation.

Moomcd profile image
Moomcd in reply to Isinatra

Hi, Thanks for replying.

Yes I do think my drinking accelerated during the Covid situation.

I have the definite weight gain for sure (about 2 stone) but almost never suffer with hangovers (dangerous I know) - I would say I'm more angry at myself than depressed (I'm naturally upbeat) but the guilt trips are excruciating that I do have to admit.

My capacity for alcohol is big, I can drink large amounts but I also can't seem to stop once I start... just one is NOT an option...

I am drinking for any reason.... because it's a Tuesday, because I've been to the gym so `earned' it.... because I fancy one... it's never one though...

It's almost like I forget I can say no thank you, just a diet coke please.... but in my life I have never been this heavy or miserable about myself....

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Moomcd

I understand. Thank you. Since you can’t stop at one or two, that’s a red flag that you may not be able to just cut back, but need to actually stop. If you determine that you need help to stop, I suggest you look into AA. I’m a recovering alcoholic since 2003. AA saves lives and helps with living without alcohol. It’s the best suggestion there is and it’s there when you need it. Give it a chance, what do you have to lose? This Not a paid advertisement. Just saying….😊

Moomcd profile image
Moomcd in reply to Isinatra

Thank you, yes I do think I will call them and get the help I need... thank you for listening and I am glad you are recovered too... it is a blessing to be sober.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Moomcd


perciferous profile image
perciferous in reply to Moomcd

Hiya. I totally get you. Today is Day 295 alcohol-free for me. Drinking alcohol is no longer on my Agenda. I was rushed into Casualty last Nov & nearly died through a serious bleeding Gastric Ulcer. Bottom line is that I'm NEVER touching it again. If I do I WILL die & it won't be peacefully. It's a very dangerous game is drinking. It sneaks up on you & before you realise it you have a big problem! Then, you believe you can stop but then you can't! You start to justify the drinking, like you said, a treat for doing this or achieving that. B***S*** reasons to disguise an addiction - I've done it & surprised myself with the justifications I conjured up! I've also put loads of weight on, but I intend to work on that now I've got the drinking controlled. Also, I've had no exercise since Nov as I badly fractured my hip in the Hospital post-op! You couldn't MAKE this up! Had a new hip 11wks ago, so basically am starting again to build up my walking. They're all big challenges but the sense of pride when you achieve a positive result is priceless!

Moomcd profile image
Moomcd in reply to perciferous

Wow you've been through it.... but what a trooper.... hats off to you!

I had a really good week up until last night, went to pub with hubby, drank far too much and then ended up at my friends house and drank some more...

What a total pr1ck and now I feel tired, bloated, miserable and riddled with guilt once more...

What you said is totally right, all the bullsh1t excuses are just that...

Thank you for replying, keep in touch and let me know how your weight/exercise goes and please please tell me to NOT BL00DY DRINK>>>>>>.

in reply to perciferous

Hi you have done so well your right we make excuses to justify drinking we should treasure our bodies not abuse them with a pretence comfort I eat healthy but need to stop drinking I am realising this and lucky to be alive good luck 🤗

in reply to Moomcd

Hi moomcd I rang AA and they said during lockdown they have never had so many people ring up wanting to stop altogether as got out control I think AA be good for you I ended up with one of my liver counts high as had stocked up on boxes of wine I went 3 month's without any as ended up living at mam's, i know lot who drank more since pandemic I hope to go swimming again that helped me foccus on health tired me out and released the seratonin alcohol does I realised again it make me feel worst the moods the next day I am taking one day at time none yesterday I hope you get back in control 🤗

in reply to

This afternoon I went into town shopping and had a cup of tea at an American diner place there which I hadn't been to since before everything shut down back in March 2020 where they did nice breakfasts and they still do the unlimited cups of tea there.

Well there was the smell of the food there whilst I was having my tea and I had to tell myself like you do a child no you are not having food as you are having dinner shortly so I just stuck to tea and left it at that and decided perhaps come for food another day.

I got on with job hunting whilst I had my cups of tea as I had been let down at a place I was due to be interviewed at this afternoon and I had walked away and put it down as a lesson not to go to that employer again and had gone to the diner for their unlimited cups of tea and decided to concentrate on the other great opportunities waiting for me instead but I was angry though when there was no interview at I felt so stupid but walked out with my head held high and got some shopping as well whilst I was in town.

It's not the same though without debenhams and nowadays the cafe in the house of Fraser has shut down as the catering there was done by a contracting firm but employed by them directly.

Hope you and Pixie are well.

in reply to

Hi cat really tired pixies been eating lots as some meat thawed in his aunties freezer and I have no use of my kitchen at moment so I made a tuna sandwhich upstairs say no more lol he licked tin out saves washing up and he had water after I havnt had much apetite but glad your still eating after disappointments it's comfort sometimes I am over not getting that job and you are right they aren't worth it I am so busy sorting my house at moment pixies asleep I will be soon take care 🤗💐😺

in reply to

Thats good Pixie is eating lots but a nuisance not having a working kitchen at home!

No today I managed to hold off eating after that disappointment and just stuck to cups of tea as planned and looked at what other opportunities were waiting for me and applied to those I was interested in whilst having my tea in that American diner place and decided to have food there another day instead as I was having haggis and veg for dinner tonight which I had and enjoyed.

Baby is well and sends her regards to Pixie and is busy working in her cult along with her brown and white mate Percy called the Ivy which is an exclusive place for pets who are spoilt and Baby enjoyed her haggis tonight and her trout on Monday.

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My sister's cat been looking after him 😁😺they had too much food this week with the freezer going off 🙄

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Is he friends with Pixie then?

He reminds me of Fluffy a pure black cat that a colleague had at my previous job and a white bossy boots called Elvis and a silver tabby called Ramone.

in reply to

Hi no she doesn't live near us pixie sends his luv to baby and you 🙀😺

perciferous profile image

Hiya x First of all DON'T beat yourself up about the drink! Today is a new day. The w'kend is over so no excuses. You haven't said how much you drink, other than a "large capacity." It's important to know just stopping can be dangerous & a big shock to your system. In the past, prior to giving up alcohol this time, if I was doing it myself I would wean myself off drink BUT I was on it every waking hour of every day for a long time. There are medications but I couldn't be prescribed those. I suggest you get ti the doc's/telephone appt. as soon as you can & ask some medical advice - you may have underlying issues that affect their advice. Doc may suggest Blood Tests to check different things such as Liver, Kidneys, etc. Regarding the weight/fitness issue - I would concentrate on the drinking problem first! Get on that 'phone NOW & be honest with the Doc. Let today be the first day you're actually going to take action & stop talking yourself out of drinking. I would HATE to see you end up at Death's Door like I did. You' re worth more than that my dear. I will help you & so will the other lovely & learned folks on here. Keep us posted x

Moomcd profile image
Moomcd in reply to perciferous

well it started off with a cocktail, then three double gins, I then went to my friends house after that and drank probably a bottle of wine.... feel awful.

I don't drink every day, last week I didn't drink Mon/Tues/wed/Fri/Sat but did drink on thursday (for no reason whatsoever) and last night... but it's bingey, it's not just one or two it's a lot.

I have already sleeked out help, I had a phone consultation with someone from an addiction group on Friday and even after that I still drank last night and I'm so angry with myself...

thank you for your wise words and the help, it is well needed.

perciferous profile image
perciferous in reply to Moomcd

Well, you have taken some positive action in ringing an Addiction Group. Well done for not drinking for those 5days! That's excellent, honestly, really well done you! I'm no expert BUT I was a big drinker for most of my life so I do understand what you're up against. I actually sat myself down one day & had serious words with myself. I have to admit, I wasn't too confident even after my 999 to Hospital, that I could stay off the drink. It sank in PROPERLY how very dangerous drink was to me when I came home & was on my own. I cried & cried with sheer relief that I hadn't died alone in my bed! The enormity hit me like a total thunderbolt. I knew I'd just turned a major corner & that it was totally up to me now to change my life. So, I have done. I must admit that yesterday was a big hurdle, as we lost our Mum exactly 22yrs ago on 22Aug1999. Long time ago but that hit home with me this year more than an any other year! I rang my sis who was worried I may go back to the drink. Honestly? It didn't even cross my mind! So, even after all these days of not drinking, my sis still worries. I actually cried with relief yesterday - sober relief! So, it CAN be done, this new SOBER you. Think now about what "triggers"in your mind when you feel you need/want a drink. I've used my triggers as a weapon against drinking & as soon as I think something/someone may trigger me off I avoid the situation/person. Try that..... it's a start x

Moomcd profile image
Moomcd in reply to perciferous

Thank you so much, you are an inspiration xxx

perciferous profile image
perciferous in reply to Moomcd

Let me know how you get on? It's a beautiful sunny day here so am off on my crutch for a walk with my dog. See how much further I can get today! Carpe Diem! Seize the Day because this day will never come again 💕

in reply to Moomcd

Hi I try to remember how bad and angry and unhealthy I feel afterwards this helps me now 🤗

Jameswalker97 profile image

Completely understand how your feeling I'm the exact same after the year we've been through I've got so lazy glad to be back at work tho now havint had a drink in over a week let see if I can keep it up, hope your well.

AbbieFairy profile image


Yes exactly the same here. Feel ashamed of what I look like and then get on the wine and don’t care again until the next day

It’s so strange at the minute because for me I’m trying to make changes to myself to make me feel better about me but they are the wrong ones such as stupid false eyelashes, nails, and even changed my hair colour but none of it is me

I know what I actually need to do is get rid of all that and her back to being me. My anxiety from a heavy night on the booze it absolutely appalling where I feel so low and horrible and I sit there and say you’ve done this

A few weeks ago at a work party we had a great night and at the end of the night I screamed at someone who I don’t particularly like but who has never done anything to me which I could have lost my job over.

That was probably the final straw for me …. When I woke up the next morning I couldn’t remember what I had said or why but knew I had really upset someone. Had I not have been drunk it never would have happened !!!

Anyway, I went the put with daughter and husband yesterday and as the lady came out to serve us and said wine ??? I said no just a j20 with loads of ice. I felt great walking away (but did comment how nice it would be with some vodka in) but hopefully I’ve made a positive albeit small


Out again tonight and tomorrow afternoon

But think groups like this can help get stuff off your chest and keep us on the right track

Best of luck


Moomcd profile image
Moomcd in reply to AbbieFairy

AbbieFairy - Honestly there is a reason they call it the Demon Drink - I feel for you - did you find out why you said what you said to that person and apologise?

Honestly these stories resonate so much with me... it's like hiding, hiding behind new nails, hair etc to make us feel better, hiding behind alcohol instead of stepping into our power...

I wish you all the luck in the world... Honestly I mean that because I know exactly how you feel. xxx

Elemis profile image

You can do it...your subconscious is telling you its time to take control. Write a list of what changes you want to make and what steps are needed to get there. New eating habits and gentle exercise to start with ..walks..and getting rid of any alcohol if possible and buying nice herbal teas and fruit juices non alcoholic beer. First and foremost a visit to your GP for a health check. Good luck on your journey and be honest with friends and family who can provide support along the way.

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