Does anyone have any tips for making a dialysis chair more comfortable? In it for 12 hours a week - turning into a big deal.
Dialysis chair comfort please: Does anyone... - Dialysis Support
Dialysis chair comfort please

I'm hearing you on this one. It's so difficult to sit for all those hours on dialysis. I haven't got the perfect answer, wish I had but I found that having something to do helped to take my mind off the discomfort. Reading, watching a film, chatting with others. Sometimes I managed to stand and stretch my legs a little. Just a step or two, if the length of the lines allowed. Some units even have access to an exercise bike while on dialysis! I know, how odd is that. I believe the movement or exercise improve the quality of the process somehow. But we're not all lucky enough to access this and many of us wouldn't have the strength to cycle anyway.
So it comes down to lots of cushions and perhaps a blanket if we suffer from the dialysis shivers. Mostly for me it was about finding a distraction to pass the time and doing a few stretches.
Hoping others can add suggestions,
Best wishes,
It’s taken me 4 months to optimise comfort in a dialysis chair! I use two pillows behind my back - one low and the other up high and adjust the chair if a muscle starts to grumble! I agree that distraction is helpful and the time goes quicker but I feel like a truck has run over me when I come off the machine.