Got The Call 2.30 Saturday morning. Total shock is I was not aware that I had been activated on the List. Found out later that it had happened on the previous Thursday.
Went to the transplant unit had all the usual tests and waited. I was told that it came up as a perfect match and they had not called in a backup.
After 7 hours I was beginning to wonder if there was a problem. An hour later the surgeon came in and said he was very sorry but the kidney had not been received within the viability time parameters and so unfortunately it was wasted.
Got home exhausted both mentally and physically so had something to eat and fell into bed. Literally 10 minutes later the phone rang, there was another match but this time I was the backup, did I want to come in? I was so wiped out by the previous 18 hours that I did what I never imagined I would no and said no.
Getting two offers when I had only been on the list 2 days leaves me very optimistic