Posts - Diabetes South Africa | HealthUnlocked

Diabetes South Africa

523 members32 posts

All posts for July 2013

Both my husband and I are type 2's. He has a problem with waking up with high bloodsugar. Why is that and what can we do to remedy that?

He takes Metformin 850mg 3x daily as well as Diaglucide MR 30mg 3 tablets in the...
cecile01 profile image

Need help regarding pre-diabetes, being carb free and daily exercise?

I was diagnosed pre-diabetic in Feb. I went on a really healthy eating plan and ...

Diabetic Neoropathy

I've been struggeling with Diabetic Neuropathy for several years now, and i stru...
diabetic37 profile image
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I can't sleep properly. Is it because I am diabetic? If so what can I do to sleep well at night?

Trabuom profile image

Golf injury

I was struck by a careless player just above the right eye. As a diabetic shoul...
Viltration profile image

So my journey began.....

So I met the disease - diabetes - while pregnant in my 15th week with my second ...
WinnithePooh profile image

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