Is a 6.5% A1c Good Enough for You?
By Sysy Morales of The Girl's Guide to Diabetes
February 18th, 2019
The premise that a 6.5% A1c is great for a type 1 diabetic is based on the widespread belief that we simply cannot expect better results than that and still maintain safety from low blood sugars. The truth is that a 6.5% A1c in a non-type 1 diabetic is medically diagnostic criteria for type 2 diabetes. It is well established that type 2 diabetes is detrimental to one’s health, especially in the long term, and probably also in the short-term, though that is more difficult to quantify due to comorbidities.
It’s possible that a type 1 with a 6.5% A1c is different from a type 2 with a 6.5% A1c because the type 1 might be having more blood sugar variability, which the body doesn’t like. The type 2 in many cases has additional metabolic distress in the form of insulin resistance, obesity, high blood pressure, and fatty liver disease which would also make a difference when comparing their 6.5% A1c to that same A1c in type 1. Therefore, there are factors making this a nuanced issue.
Read this interesting article in