I heared about this medicine, LIRAGUTIDE VICTOZA.
Could you advise please?
I heared about this medicine, LIRAGUTIDE VICTOZA.
Could you advise please?
I have read about its side effects too. Thank you for this useful advise.
This is insanity aimed at the desperate. The first alarm should sound reading...MAY!
"In 2010, Novo Nordisk breached the ABPI's code of conduct by failing to provide information about side effects of Victoza, and by promoting Victoza prior to being granted market authorization.[18]
In 2012, the non-profit consumer advocacy group Public Citizen petitioned the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to immediately remove liraglutide from the market because they concluded that risks of thyroid cancer and pancreatitis outweigh any documented benefits"
- Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lirag...