Did anyone use it regularly and found it to be any use? The say our body produces it and it is also there in many foods, so is it necessary to have it. If yes, which brands and dosage?
Alpha Lipoic Acid: Did anyone use it... - Diabetes India
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Yes, I use it just as an adjunct/ supportive treatment..... get some combinations in the market with Methylcobalamine ( vit B12 ) .
I have been using it for the last 4 years and found some what good. The availability of Alpha Lipoic Acid in foods, except in liver, is very limited. So it is better to take one capsule every day before or after foods at night. You can use "Diavit Plus" of Franco Indian pharmaceuticals which contains Alpha Lipoic Acid along with other essential vitamins and minerals.
Agree with medfree.
ALA is found Flax seed oil. But only FS oil may be a reason for purging. Recently the capsule is available with Fish oil-Flax seed oil and Olive oil. In case you want to have ALA tabs fie. Best man is medfree.
I suuest you take with Biotin.
its good to have AHA AND DHA those who are veg, its available in omega 3/6 fatty acid form mostly found in fish oil vary good for heart health and general wel being i m using of nutrilite,,,once daily. if in medical than mega soft caps.once daily after meal u may approach any AMWAY abos for that or me.Too!off course costly but its investment in health..
yes sir actually i was disussinf aha so by mistaken..
I am using Meta-x and DAN 9 in 3 doses-200mg in morning-400 mg in the after noon and 200 mg in the night containging ALA giving excellent results
what are yr results now and what were they before? Since how long u been using?