Dear members, if any one of you has tried F... - Diabetes India

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Dear members, if any one of you has tried FENUFIBRE for sufficiently long period and throw some light on the efficacy and results obtained,

dkumar profile image
17 Replies

kindly throw some light on the same

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dkumar profile image
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17 Replies
dkumar profile image

Raghavendra sir, Thanks for your response. Can you elucidate on metformin mg that you are taking and also the dose of fenufibre. Is it 5 gms 3 times as per recommendation. kindly advise. I thank you again

dkumar profile image

Sir, I am really really thankful. I shall be starting on FENUFIBRE

munipalle profile image

Ihave been using fenugreek seeds (the water in which the seeds are soaked and the also the essence of seeds ground into fine paste) ever since the doctors diagnosed sugar and suggested use of fenugreek.- it is 6 years now. I find that sugar levels are well under control.


Sugu profile image

Where can I buy fenufibre in Cochin ?

akv195 profile image

Please let me know the place from where I will get FENUFIBRE in Patiala or near by. Thanks

dkumar profile image

Dear Members, Thanks for replies and interest. Info on fenufibre and availability is found in I went through post of Mr Raghavendra on dietary fibres which is quite informative.

Jangi profile image

Fenufibre etc are not scientifically proved solution, I would consider this more of a sales/Pramotional pitch. Raghvendra if your HbA1c is 5.5 ,why are you taking Metmorfin,you would have Hypo if your mentioned FSS ,Pp and Hb1 along with Metmorfin is continued.

I am 66 yeras of age developed Diabetic 6 years ago. Today I am on NO medication. Maintaining FS 90 and PP 130 with just diet control and regular exercise in the morning and walikng for 4 Hours dailly ( 18 hole Golf round)

I suggest have strict control ,initially for a month or Two reduce Carbohydrate intake drastically. Increase FAT and Fibres , and exercise 30 min in the morning and 1 hours brisk walking every day . You will not need any medicine.

Self control is the best medicine ,no sweets ,no rice , Wheat capati small Max 3/4 per day,no potatoes. Fruits only apple ,limited orange and Papaya/wtaermelon . Earlier I used to be carried away with any remedies one comes across but Diabetic cannot be reveresed it can be just controlled. So be active

ANUNA profile image

when i am taking the fenufibre i had the throat pain and also getting cold give me the remedy

rallabandi profile image

dear mr. d kumar,

in simple terms, fenu fibre is nothing but,methiseed,the hard,yellow seed most commonly found in indian kitchens.

i tried for about 5 months. soak in water overnight ,one teaspoonful and early morning first in the morning ,eat the seed (soft by morning) and drink the soaked water also..

the effect, i found my self is u feel stomach is full.less hungry.

as far as fenu fibre effect on reducing diabetic is concerned,my exp. shows,only fenufibre alone is not sufficient for controlling diabetes.

apart from fenufibre, most important is exercise, medicine, and food with lesser carbohydrates and more fibres and fruits,oats etc...

iam diabetic since 13 /14 years. i had b.p also ,now under control.i had heart byepass in the year 2010.

my last (sept2013) diabetes reading is --- fasting around 110 and post lunch 178



dkumar profile image
dkumar in reply to rallabandi

thank you for your unput sir

dkumar profile image
dkumar in reply to dkumar

thanks a lot for your kind input sir.

ramloo profile image

what is fenufibre.? is it methi seed only? please clarify.

nkbhaskar profile image

I am diabetic since last two and half years.My fasting level remains at 135 while post lunch is is around 160-170 inspite of diet control. How are these levels for long run and how to control this.

VaddadiGopi profile image

DEAR SIR, I advise you to disconnect friendship with (VISIBLE FATS) usage of NV foods, oils, ghee, sugar and SALT and take white rece only cooked 100g rice with a puka and veg.juice and raw soaked dallas with a FRUIT AS BREAKFAST AND NIGHT 3 pulkas with raw-veg. adding lemon or its juice. Maintain timings for lunch 12 noon and dinner sharp by 7pm.

dkumar profile image
dkumar in reply to VaddadiGopi

vaddadiGopi, its an honest advise from you. Thanks

nkbhaskar profile image

I use to take bitter gourd/ jamun's powder/juice twice a day daily.Sometimes I also take Amla raw/juice and Aloevera juice.Does any of these have any side effects for prolonged use for diabetics.

monitamorenita profile image

Please tell me where I can buy this fenufibre.