My Mom is suffering with this, how she figh... - Diabetes India

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My Mom is suffering with this, how she fight with the same?

Amber209 profile image
4 Replies
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4 Replies
ShooterGeorge profile image

If what I remember is right, there was some exchange of ideas between me & Nitins. Now I have seen both the responses of Nitins on either sides of Peace7's. Hence the following words:

The Godslab (NATURE) has cure for diabetes.

My service life was in the capacity of Scientist/Engineer in ISRO. There, our work's final test is with LAWS OF NATURE. There no arguments, justifications or Government or Court orders will work; only laws of nature will work. (That is why yesterday, 19 Aug 2013, GSLV Launch was called off at T minus 1Hr 14 minutes, on noticing a leak in the second stage of the three stage Rocket. Only after locating the bug, fixing it, reviewing it, testing it, again reviewing etc only the next launch date will be announced).

Because of my awareness I never put my two legs in different boats at the same time to avoid ambiguity. In the case of treating my diabetes also I stuck to one method at a time. Since the first choice (of Long Wheat Mash Diet Regimen) itself gave surprising improvement on a monthly basis & finally cure, I did not try anything else.

I am used & experienced to work in accordance with the laws of nature. That is why I could cure my diabetes. There is nothing strange in it; no wonders as well. Only problem is that it is too simple for the learned great people to take note of or accept or recognise it. Any one who is exposed to the history of science can appreciate this well. Many of the early inventions have taken quarter to half century for the society to recognise those.

One patient in this community who is on LCHF wanted to try LWMDR. I suggested to wait till LCHF process is completed/concluded. The reason I gave that patient was that otherwise you will not know which one (LCHF OR LWMDR) cured you.

LWMDR is not LCHF but HCLF!!! That is what cured me.

Peace7 profile image

I firmly believe that the laws of nature i.e. the almighty heals. We need no complicated medicines to work on us. What you have mentioned about the LWMR has clicked with me. I am now waiting and watching.

Peace7 profile image

I went through the blog of Mr. George in its entirety with so much of proofs and found truth in what he is proclaiming. If you can spare time please go through too.

Peace7 profile image

The LCHF seems to have worked well for you. So do not deviate to any other for the time being. I mentioned about the LWMR just in case you have not gone through the claims by our friend.

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