Ok, so that sucked. Blood sugar from 150 to 600. Oxygen saturation of my blood down to 50. One time I got a 40 reading. I was in the Emergency Room at that time. The Doctor burst into my area and stated, "DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR PROBLEM IS? YOU SHOULD BE DEAD, NO ONE CAN LIVE AT 50 PERCENT OXYGEN SATURATION!" I looked over to the nurse and said, "Could I get another Crackpot to treat me?" I was obviously alive and did not see the numbers as a big deal. He looked at me, awe struck and obviously at a loss for words. Then after reflection he stated, "I can fix that!" And left the room.
During this time period I had found a food cure for my condition. My Doctor was so amazed with such, she penned me a letter expounding upon her amazement with my Diabetese Cure. At that time my blood sugar on loo y got up to around 250 max. With eating only God's Food in God's packaging I was able to keep it under control.
Then I got my father, father in law and mother to test my cure's on. My father in law was a complete cure. Once he began to eat correctly, exercise and MOST IMPORTANTLY HYDRATE CORRECTLY WITH WATER, he lived a non eventful life till 85. My father really did not have serious issues, just overweight. Correct food and juicing and he was good. Lived till 85. My mother was a basket case. Good Blood sugar, fat heart, Corotid Artery Blockage at 90 percent, did not like to exercise. She was going to take years of hard work. In all cases they were giving complete food diaries of everything into their bodies so I could track the causes and effects!
She was a complete cure. Lived till 95 when life was getting far to hard to endure. She did not die of disease! Read the next post for more info.
I provide my cure to all for free! It is with the goodness of my heart that I hope together we all can fight this battle and win together. I cannot guarantee sucess for all, but look on the bright th side. My natural cure will not kill you. It will take change and hard work on your part!