Hello everyone! My name is Nikki and last Tuesday I was diagnosed type 2 diabetes. My doctor wanted to put me 3 pills one of which is Metphorman the other one is supposed to protect my main organs and the other one is for my hypertension/high blood pressure. I was devastated at first which I’m sure we all go through those moments of sadness anger frustration which I did. Since my doctor told me I cut out soda and fast food which was my weakness! I am over weight don’t like blasting my weight, but I need to be honest so I get honest answers. I’m 241 pounds at 5’3. Diabetes does run in our family 😟 with my weight and family history I wish I would have made changes before it happened but I was selfish and let my hunger win. So back to where I was going with this, since then I cut out soda, fast food and expresso, I only have my one cup of coffee in the morning zero soda and when I do get that craving I drink a half of a Diet Coke. Which helps! I walk everyday and cut my meals to 7 little meals a day, I’m not going to lie when I first found out I only ate once a day out of fear! But I knew that wasn’t good! And I wasn’t feeling good so I knew I couldn’t do that to myself. So since Tuesday last week I’ve lost 5 pounds 😊 I’m hoping I’m on the right path to not take pills and do this naturally! So my question is, what food is really good to give you a boost of energy and what food groups are a must eat? What’s a good coffee to drink in the morning? Or a good creamer? Anything at this point will help! Thank you in Advance ❤️
Advice please: Hello everyone! My name... - Diabetes & Hypert...
Advice please

Has your doctor suggested that you go on a low carb high protein diet plan? Has your doctor told you to count carbs for each meal and snack?
No it was mainly take these 3 pills daily. I’m knew to all this and don’t know a lot about it, I’ve googled it and have got nothing but mixed reviews
Would you like to have me send you a message to show you how to do the carb counting? I can do it later tonight after dinner.😀👌
Thank you!!
By far the most popular lifestyle for T2s in the Uk is low carb healthy fat. Plenty to eat and put T2 into remission. Well done on what you have achieved so far.
I’ve been doing a lot of reading about the keto diet, some websites say no and others say yes.. what’s your intake on that? If you’ve heard about it
Hi, I too have read a lot about keto. I am too wimpy to go that far. If you can stick it go for it. I seem to need so few carbs to go into ketosis and really worry that I will never be able to stay with it. A lifetime of weight issues has taught me a thing or two. I believe in sustainability. A GP had me on 300cals a day when I was 11, and still I put on. That is irrelevant to you. I think the choice has to be individual or we will never feel happy with the choice. Good luck whatever you decide.
Here is your answer! I have and are 500 pounds. My blood sugars have been in the range of 400 to 600.
I cannot give you medical advice, but I can tell you what works.
Start on Victoza! Metformin is toxic. Get your doctor to prescribe it now! It will also cut your desire for food. It is made from the Gila Moster. That is a cute lizard in the mid western states. Of course now it is synthesized and not taken from the endangered Gila Monster. It will stimulate your body to repair itself!
Any food with a label is toxic! Only consume food in God's packaging. All natural. No High Fructose Corn syrup. No refined sugar, period. Only natural sweets. Fruits and lots of veggies, now!
Drink larger quantities of water. I do not care how you feel about such. Water is a toxin solvent. You need extra quantities now!
You need to get checked for Helicobacter E Pylori infestation in you gut! Backaches, stomach pain, eating to stop stomach irritation are all symptoms. Get, checked! THIS IS HYPER CRITICAL.
Walk each day! Start out in short walks. Do not walk along roadways and inhale car exhaust!
Get your blood sugar tester. Start a "Food Diary" now! Everything that goes in your mouth goes in that book. Track blood sugar before eating and after. Look for the Superfoods that lower your blood sugar and the toxins that raise it!
Keep in touch. If you do not do this now the results can get far worse!

Thank you!! I eat veggies that’s something I love! Thank goodness!

Hi DoneDeal - I've been prescribed metformin but haven't started the course yet. I'm interested in your comment that it is toxic - please could you share some info on this? Many thanks!
All medicines are toxins! That is how they work. Throughout history there are two theories about curing the body. Natural, God created cures! Edgar Casey, the World's most renown Physic used to do health readings for people with health conditions. God has created a natural, non toxic cure for every condition.
Then there are the Toxins group. Use a toxic substance to effect change. They used to prescribe real deadly medicines in the 1800's and 1900's. Any medicine will be seen as a toxin and have to be removed from the body by the liver, kidneys etc.
Just Google Metformin and known side effects. You will find out! DO NOT MAKE THE MISTAKES I DID AND TRUST THE GRIM REAPER IN THE WHITE COATS.

Thanks for your reply Done Deal. How is Victoza a good medicine and Metformin toxic? Are you able to be more specific? I am genuinely interested as I have a decision to make about the best way forward to treat pre-diabetes. Thank you again!
You have to do what's best for you. First, you have these problems due to toxins in your food! If food you purchase has a nutrition label on the package, IT IS TOXIC!
You need to eat God's food in God's packaging! If it is prepared it is junk.
Victoza helps by making your body produce more insulin thru it's own mechanism. Natural body Insulin is best! Also, Victoza helps curb hunger pains!
When I was around 400 and up blood sugar levels my body was burning fat off like a boiler! When I got it under control with drugs (TOXINS) I did not feel good! Then I learned how to eat right! No more need for Insulin. I still take Victoza though. It is the least damaging of the toxins.
With added insulin there are other "Negative" side effects that the excess Insulin causes. Carotid Atery Damage, increased chance of Heart Attack etc.
Toxins are not to be trusted. When on medications (Toxins) you need to have a Lemon or Lime each day. Do not like them raw? Make Lemonaide, with Honey!
Honey has a beautiful effect at repairing cellular damage. When it comes in contact with damaged sores, lessons etc it converts to hydrogen peroxide! This creates an Oxygen rich environment and kills bad bugs! It is the best Internal Cure you can use.
Google the raw milk cure! It was discovered by Doctor Crew. He cured many people with a large range of problems.
Fact is this, The Gutt Biome is the most important factor in Chron's disease, I.B.S., Diabetese, Epilepsy, Morbid Obeasity etc. The Doctors have broken down all the various symptoms into little sub groups but I believe that the "Internal Health" of our gut bugs can influence any disease that manifests itself in the body.
That is what you need to Restore! There are very few ways to do such. Natural foods only, Raw Milk, Honey and Bifidobacteriuminfantis!
Research my advice and confirm my suggestions. If you find conflicting data, I would like to know such.

Thanks for the advice Dan. I very much agree with you on the value of eating unprocessed foods for optimum health.
It all has to be done to reverse the damage done to your "Gut Microbiome". The Genetically Altered Corn Seeds were designed with insecticide production as a goal. When the bees began to die they realized their mistakes but it was too late.
The G.M. Corn seeds infected non G.M.O. corn crops and began to destroy "Gut Bugs" in everything from cows, farmed fish and anything that ate corn or High Fructose Corn Syrup. (In everything at store). The beneficial bugs in all animals that consumed the genetically altered corn began to have problems due to beneficial bacteria being killed in their bodies.
If the complete regime is not followed to Restore your Intestinal balance Now it can be life threatening.
Raw Milk is the main vehicle to repopulate your beneficial gut bugs! There are few other foods that can help. Google the Mayo Clinic Raw Milk Cure!
Good luck. Changes need to be made now before the disease progresses and cure is not possible!