Gout and blood sugar
Does gout rise bg?: Gout and blood... - Diabetes & Hypert...
Does gout rise bg?
Gout and Diabetes have a common underlying cause - Insulin Resistance. See below for more information-
Thank you Praveen55. Problem is that my husband does not have insulin resisance (just one exam..) but more likely his pancrease does not produce sufficient quantty of insulin . Still there is connection between diabetes and gout. In husbands case probably kidney problem and some metabolic disorder. I would love to undestand better...
Thank you Concerned. Both my diabetic (and gout as well as AF suffering) husband started for two years ago eat LCHF diet. He has, without any medicine, fasting BG litlle under 6 mmol/l max 6,3 mmol/l. We do not measure after food. He lost 30 kg and have normal BP. Last summer he get after 10 years first gout attack, this mars again. After mars he has repeatedly less painfull (colchicin help..) attacks of gout parallelled by sightly higher/variating BG.. We are using perfect LCHF diet, neary no meat or fish. So problem with gout is not caused by food but obviously by unsufficient excretion by kidneys. What is the cause of rising BG in spite of perfect LCHF diet?? I am reading, googling but...Do you have some experience? Thank you in advance.
Yeas both problems iare interrelated metabolic issues and I am aware that his bg is not perfect. We may use Metformin of course or some other new type of medicine. Still according to our MD his problem is not insulin resistance (i undersand well what insulin resistance is and the cause of it). We do not have much choice than to try to do our best.
Fasting 6 to 6.3, though not perfect, should be okay as long as HbA1c is within recommended range. In general, fasting is on higher side for people following LCHF.
LCHF diet has direct impact on post-meal blood glucose and not on fasting blood glucose. The effect on post-meal number is almost from the first meal. Fasting BG drops as a consequence of improvement in insulin sensitivity e.g. if body weight drops with consistence use of LCHF or other suitable diet.
Thank you Praveen55. As I already mentioned my husband DOESNOT have insulin resistence (based on one investigation, insulin level 7,5ml/E/L, ). He is not at all oweweight, Probably he has damadged pancreas and decreased production of insulin. Both his parents had diabetes so some genetic factor may be included. His HbA1C is after several gout attacks 42mmol/mol (5,1% ?). Before gout attacks he has fasting bg between 5,4-5,9 mmol/mol.
My question is what is metabolic connection between diabetes and gout? Or how does gout influence rise of bg? Do you have some idea? Thank you .
Thanks Arveno for the additional information.
Gout and BG: 'It appears that this is' work in progress'. Medical scientists have not been able to establish a cause and effect relationship between uric acid in blood and blood glucose. Based on statistical data they observe ' people with gout are more likely to have diabetes and vice versa.' However, definite quantitative relationship between gout and rise in blood sugar has not been established. Having said that, my information may not be fully up-to-date.