what is the relationship between diab... - Diabetes & Hypert...
what is the relationship between diabetic and hypertantion.
As you know,the food we eat is converted to glucose which is then transported to individual body cells via the blood stream. Glucose then enters the cells and gets converted into energy so that we can perform all our functions like movement,digestion,heart beat,lung function.brain function etc.So without energy none of these functions are possible.But for the energy to be produced,first glucose has to enter the body cells.And for that to happen we need an enzyme called insulin which is in short supply among diabetics.There may be high levels of glucose in the blood stream but unless the enzyme insulin opens the cells glucose cannot enter inside.So,a diabetic feels hungry even after eating well.Due to this continuous starvation,the body cells in the extremes of the body get damaged.The small blood vessels called capillaries which which ultimately deliver the blood to the various organs in he body like kidney,eyes,skin ,liver ,heart,brain etc gets damaged.Due to this a diabetic is likely to suffer complications with kidney,liver,heart,eyes,loss of sensation in the skin etc.We can say that diabetes affects all parts of the body.
Hallo to me i think they are both life style conditions. Thank you
Hallo what you have to know is that both are conditions due to the plate of food we have daily. And prevention is better than cure so i advise every one here to use RIGHT food supplements because it is the only remedy and best prevention for life style diseases. For details nabunnyag@yahoo.com Thank you