how can i help a lady that is diabeti... - Diabetes & Hypert...
how can i help a lady that is diabetic TYPE -1 and cohabiting with a HIV+ MAN

Hi Lucinderate, the only way you can help that lady is to tell her to mind the food she eats and also visit the hospital twice on the diabetes side and also the HIV side to avoid alot of complications in her life.
The other thing she has to do is to regular and healthy meals and also maximize the use of right food supplements contact me if interested in the details of food supplements on +256787492900, +256703065754 or Thank you
If you want to help why not first question whether ''HIV'' is the cause of ''AIDS''. ? you have had 30 years of hearing the propaganda lies of ''AIDS'' not discriminating while knowing that the promiscuous whites in the West are largely unaffected. Why do you trust those ''HIV tests'' more than you do in each other? Ironic that they were developed by atheists. Did God say that Africans have to go for ''HIV testing''?
Corporate ''HIV/AIDS'' Ignorance - Dr. Nakawuka National Director - Uganda Cares NGO, AIDS ''Healthcare'' Foundation
The truth remains that once some one is HIV positive then AIDS will automatically follow and what people out there should know is that medication for chronic diseases doesnot add on their life time length but it is just even of more side effects that is why i recommend right food supplements which have no side effects and i have done it so many times contact me for more information concerning that and testiomonies

Daphne, I'm familiar with the marriage between activists and ''truth'' dogma and whether you have been active on that front or not you appreciate perhaps better than I do that the stigmatising sermon: ''once some one is HIV positive then AIDS will automatically follow '' is a blatant lie.
I don't need to remind you either of the many people, especially in Africa, who have survived an ''HIV positive'' diagnosis without taking toxic drugs and without the fear of dying up to now, while the medical profession even has a term designated to these cases: ''long term non-progressors''.
If the only ''evidence'' you have back up your assertions is having ''lost many relatives and friends to this disease'' then perhaps you might like to finally question 30 yr old ''AIDS'' dogma, ''AIDS research'' and then whether the ''S'' in ''AIDS'' stands for ''disease'' or ''syndrome''. If you get that far you can then question whether ''AIDS'' is actually sexually contracted remembering the unexplained anomaly of ''discordant couples''.

You recommend right food supplements and acknowledge debilitating side effects of pharmaceuticals, but in order to convince anyone that your endeavours are entirely humanitarian the issue of whether the nefarious drug interventions continue or not. Profiting from confusion over whether the supplements and dietary advice are helping or useless and pharmaceuticals helping or harming is usually a big part of the politically correct narrative.
Just like the site suggests us to be true and correct to the best of our knowledge and experience i know what am talking about and i have experienced but we have different experiences. Thank you
John. to help this woman, try to let her know the signs and symptoms of diabetes, teach her how to do her sugar test, identify foods that can increase her sugar level and prohibit her from eating them, help her to do the HIV test, if positive, encourage her to take her treatment accurately. eat more of protein foods and less carbohydrates,let her accept her condition and trust God. Visit her counselors frequently..
jkpaleyea, why do Africans still have more faith in Western ''HIV tests'' than they do in each other considering that those tests are not approved for diagnostic use for us here? Are you happy to know that medical ''research'' have turned out to be blunders throughout history? It always amazes me how Africans still haven't got an inkling of the ''HIV=AIDS=death'' theory being bankrupt now after 20 years.
To help this lady, you need to know if she is aware on her diabetic condition and what she is doing about it and then if she has already contracted AIDS.
Proper diet and medication will take care of the diabetes and if she has not contracted AIDS, she then must practice safe sex and if she is already positive she should see a doctor pretty quick.In addition to all these, positive thinking is very important, never to lose hope.
How do you propose whether she has ''contracted AIDS'' or not when the tests you have blind faith in don't detect ''HIV''?
The science of Panic (English)
Hi, am not an expert in the science of detecting H I V and AIDS, I guess somebody with this knowledge can help us understand this subject better.