Blood Sugar: I am new to this diagnosis... - Diabetes Support

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Blood Sugar

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6 Replies

I am new to this diagnosis, and I am taking a tablet called "Metformin" one tablet daily.

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iminig profile image

My current understanding is that diabetes might be reverssible by keeping the remaining beta cells alive and possibly improve them. There is disagreement between scientists on this issue. But generally they disagree even on the real causes and mechanisms of diabetes.

By the time, someone is diagnosed with diabetes a certain percentage of beta cells has already beed destroyed by chronically elevated blood sugar. This can either be caused by excessive eating (99% of people eat more than we need) and/or chronic stress.

Because of the above, the beta cells have been working too hard for a long time - possibly 10 years or so. This causes exchaustion and failure of some beta cells. My current understanding many people get diagnosed when about 40-50% of the beta cells have already died.

So what would be a possible cure - I only belive in natural cure not medication because of the side effects?

1. Give your pancreas a break for at least 1 year:

This can be achieved by three means.

1.1 Eating low carb diet.

Because it is mostly carb that increases insulin production (protein does also but to a lesser extent), eating low carb will definitely give your beta cells the break they need.

You will also be able to manage your blood sugars better than with medication alone especialy if you are newly diagnosed.

By eating low carb, your body switches to burning fat within hours and if you don't eat enough carbs, the body will continue burning fat all the time. You will loose weight and also help your pancreas to recover in the long run.

1.2 Intermitten fasting -fasting onMondays and Thursdays:

Intermittent fasting for at least 1 year can help in two ways.

a) Fasting in the best way to reduce blood sugars. After 6-8 hours fasting there is no longer enough sugar (glucogen) in your muscle or liver to produce glucose. So the bloog sugar will be kept at the minimum level while the body switches to fat-burning mode.

This is also gives tyour beta cells a break, AND most impotantly, fasting in fact forces to body to go into *reparationmode* which means the body will try to repair itself. This again will contribute to the possible reparation of beta cells.

2.Reduce damage of the body and beta cells:

To reduce damage to your body it is recommended to eat a healthy low carb diet based on whole foods - mostly veggies, adequate protein (50-70 gr/day) and healthy fats.

- Anti inflamatory diet from whole foods

- Eat anti oxydants from whole foods

- Manage stress through exercise and relaxation

in reply to iminig

I personally feel fasting is not the solution . It is only a device to give artificial sense of well being by showing altered condition.An effort should be made to streamline the betacell functioning by encouraging the regeneration of betacells .GYMNEMA TINASPORA , alOEVERA , bRAHMI all help in this respect.

iminig profile image
iminig in reply to

At the end of the day, the goal is to avoid any possible complications. So having low blood sugars is key.

Also it is important to give the pancreas which has been over working since probably decades, a break it deserves.

I haven't investigated all the beta cell supporting herbs and supplements.

B ut i noticed that some of them can be harmful. One should be very careful because some of the herbs increases insulin and thay are called sometimes beta cell/pancreas stimulatiing, but in reality they contribute to further exhaustion of the beta cell and possible death.

blizzard2014 profile image
blizzard2014 in reply to

Fasting only masks the symptoms. My blood sugar will stay at 90 all day long if I don't eat anything. That doesn't mean that my diabetes is cured. I also can't stay on a low carb diet. I hate a lot of meats. I eat a very proportioned diet. I eat one meal with 50 - 80 grams of carbs, and then one meal is almost no carbs. If I don't at least eat one good mixed carb meal per day, I feel deprived and can't do it. I use insulin for the carb meal. I have given my pancreas a break through insulin injections. I know a lot of you guys would argue that it should be done with diet alone, but I can't do it. My blood sugar is between 100 and 120 two hours after a meal. I think that is pretty good control, even if I have to use 9 units of fast acting insulin a day to achieve it. I also drink diet coke, and I do use Splenda in my iced tea. I make all sugar free sweets as well. That is about as much change as I am ever willing to make. With small dietary changes and insulin, I have brought my A1C from 7.1 down to 5.4 in 6 months. I'm quite happy with that. I'm a foodie. I have to have some carbs. I don't see the point in even living longer through blood sugar control if I have to eat salads and drink water all day. I can eat tons of red meat and salad and still be hungry. But when I eat at least one mixed carb meal, I feel completely satisfied.

judicious use of the above mentioned herbs is not harmful . As the dictum that excess is always bad and has be avoided goes they have to be used sparingly.

in reply to

The concept of giving rest to pancreas arises only in case of over eating and excess intake of junk food . When once the calorie limited , nutrient , mindful eating is followed, pancreas is subjected to the allowable limit only. Minmal food is needed just as any vehicle needs fuel .