As I have got my NHS hearing aids changed a couple of times now (without anyone checking that they are working for me) - I was just wondering if I will ever get my hearing tested by them again?! I had my last test in January 2020 - but this was paid for privately at an NHS hospital (no one to that point had given me speech recognition tests that I needed). My original NHS test was done a good year before that. Since then COVID came in and despite asking and asking for a re-test and help, I have had aids changed and tweaked - but still using the test results I had done 3 years ago. I feel like I need a turbo boost - have my aids up to full volume, my work phone up to full volume and I am still struggling (I only have one ear that works - and that is now starting to go the same way as my bad ear). Specsavers tests are not good enough as they are not as comprehensive (certainly not where I live anyway). I am just at my wits end now and don't know which way to turn.
How long between NHS hearing tests?: As I have got... - deafPLUS
How long between NHS hearing tests?

How very frustrating for you. I had mine re tested Autumn 2019 just before covid, after ringing Audiology and saying that I couldn’t hear well any more with my current aids. (They had already been turned up a couple of times but couldn’t be set any louder with tubes and domes - I needed ear moulds) Unfortunately, I think the service varies as to where you live - I notice from looking online that Somerset NHS say you should have your hearing re tested every three and a half years. Whereas in Dorset where I live it doesn’t give a frequency of testing at all.
Haven’t really any advice to give you - when you contact them have you emphasised how difficult you are finding it at work and how much you are struggling there. What happens if you say you really do need re testing - 3 years seems a decent interval to expect this. I haven’t had a private assessment (say at Specsavers )so can’t comment on that.
I do hope you get some help 🥺
Thanks Alpacagirl.
I am not sure how frequent tests are meant to be done in my area. In fact I am going to another hospital region as my local hospital audiology department were no good - couldn't supply the hearing aids I needed - so I would have to take a day off work when I do finally get a hearing test as it's a couple of hours from my home.
Specsavers audiology tests are free - and good for a general hearing test. Pre-COVID they used to have a small soundproofed pod - which was quite good. Last time I went the pod was gone. It wasn't a great test as there were distractions! I might go and see them though as they do have a record of my hearing - and perhaps I can get an appointment sorted if they say things are worse.