I have a sudden hearing problem after swimming. My left ear is fine but my right ear sounds high pitched with a split second delay. My ears have been cleaned and this is not a wax problem. Anyone ever heard of this are have any ideas
Sudden hearing loss: I have a sudden hearing... - deafPLUS
Sudden hearing loss

I would visit your gp if problem still there, and hope you're not cleaning ears with cotton buds. Sorry if you already know about cotton buds but its always worth mentioning. Hope your problem has resolved itself
Thanks Jayfer I know not to use cotton buds. My hearing is still the same and I have been to my gp. I have a referral to a hospital so maybe they can shed some light on it or sound anyway.
Good, sorry for mentioning cotton buds, didn't want to preach to converted but lots do still use them. Hope the appt goes well and its a temporary problem
sudden HEARING LOSS after swimming is normally WAX, water will swell a little wax to completely block the ear canal, get it checked ASAP, normally a quick clean will do the trick... but GP's are not to keen to it these days, as they are not funded for ear cleaning, but private get it done yesterday for around £20 ear.
Hi thanks for getting back, I would not place all my hopes on the GP's, I've seen it soooooo many times, yes your ears are clean, but checking them found to be still waxed up, but yes seeing a consultant is the best bet.