Hi. I have a blocked Eustacian tube diagnosed a week ago. Im 75% deaf in my left ear. Im miserable and desperate to know how long this will last. My Dr gave me 3 days of Sudafed which did nothing together with antihystamine & nasal spray. Will this ever end? All every one keeps telling me is to be patient! I need to know for how long??????
Desperate for answers...: Hi. I have a blocked... - deafPLUS
Desperate for answers...
Hello, the Eustachian tube or Auditory Canal, is a small tube that runs from the middle ear to the back of the nose, that keeps the air pressure equal between the Outer Ear and Middle Ear, it also enables any fluid that builds up to drain through the back of nose.. how this happens is that attached to the Auditory canal are two muscles, that have a function of opening and closing the tube, such as when we swallow, or eat, that is why you may hear crackling or a small pop when you do this, if this function is not working as it should, mainly because the fluid in the middle ear is to thick or gluey, it becomes blocked, hence a bunged up ear, so the cause has to treated and what can cause it, well the biggest culprit is Smoking, because it bungs up the Mucus layer and makes it thick, then there is diet, high fatty foods like milk cheese, a low tolerance to lactose, you don't mention if you suffer with Catarrh, or have recently had a cold, or even if you ear is blocked with wax, pop into your local hearing centre and someone to give it a check, your not first person I've seen who has been told there ears are clear but they are bunged up. Now a tip to force the auditory tube open..... get a glass of water handy, take in a few fairly deep breaths on a INHALE hold the breath, nip the nose and hard swallow some water like a gulp, that will force open the tube and allow equal pressure, of course you have to do this more than once.. tip 2 boil water pour in a dish add couple menthol cyrstals cover your head and breath in fumes and swallow this will allow the menthol fumes to get up into the middle ear a break down any thick fluid... OK Good luck