Hi All,
I am a 24yr old female. Just some background.. when I was 5/6yrs old I had a perforated ear drum and had an operation to have a new one. Eerything was fine with my ear after the op and hadn't had an infection until March this year. Now for the past 7 months I have been dealing with a constant ear infection. It took me 5 attempts to get the GP to refer me to an ENT. They always gave me ear drops and antibiotics but when using the ear drops I never felt the liquid go further into my ear (when I was younger I used to be able to feel it and taste it). My infection symptoms are; loss of hearing, rotten smelling discharge every night, sometimes in the day too. Constant ache in and around the ear but no pain towards the back of the ear/head. Throughout the day I have sharp pains in the ear too. Head aches, lethargic, I have recently been having nose bleeds when I wake up in the mornings. The inside of my head feels light and airy but overall feels heavy. The ENT took a swab of the discharge and sent me for a CT Scan, I had my results appointment booked for 3 weeks but brought it forward since having nose bleeds. Earliest they could fit me in is 2 weeks time. Does anyone know what this could be? I have googled my symptoms (stupidly) and I am worried of the results.
Thank you.