I am wondering what the weight ratio is f... - Cure Parkinson's
I am wondering what the weight ratio is for Parkinson's patient in YOPD. Are more patients slim or overweight?

I'm average.
Because of compulsive eating due to a side effect of my medication, I have gained 40 pounds. I am way overweight and disgusted by my new uncontrollable urges. I can feel queasy and still eat.
Average ( medium to large)
ive had pd since i was 22 i now 46 and i have always weighed around 100lbs!
I was average before having PD. Now I'm 5'10 around 135. Can't seem to gain weight no matter what I do. Ribs are showing.
5' 11" and 185 lbs and dropping slowly (have not changed my diet), 195 a year ago when dxd.
I am 5 ' 1" and I weigh 104 pounds. At age 62, I am underweight. I have lost almost 39 pounds in the past 5 months due to diarhea. Many tests have been done, and no answer to the cause. Going to Shands to see if they can find out what my problem is.
I've lost 55lbs since I was diagnosed, I don't know if it's PD related, but in 2009 I made a New Years Resolution to lose 50 lbs. so I don't mind losing that weight, but I would rather think that lost it thru diet and excercise.
I am 58 and 6 ft. I have always weighed about 170-180. Wrestled Sr year in High School at 167. I lost 26 lbs with Pramipexole but got it back after smoking pot. I have switched to Car/Levo now and have maintained 170-180
Now 5'10" 177lbs; gained 30 back on Mirapex because I compulsively ate cookies/cakes/donuts/pie plus constant, irrational car buying 8 cars (7 black BMW's in 8 yrs) now bike riding...had dbs in '08...healthier lifestyle
My husband has lost about 80lbs. since he began taking Carbidopa/Levedopa 3 yrs ago. He was overweight, so he needed to lose. But now I worry that he's getting to thin, altho he eats healthy.
I started out overweight when I was dx'd almost a year ago at 198 pounds and 5' 2". Now I weigh 98 pounds and still losing due to chronic diarrhea. All my lab work is normal, though. I take Mirapex.