I have heard that several PwP are taking Tumeric/Curcumin supplements. If you take one of these supplements what do you perceive the benefits to be and over what timescale?
Is anyone taking Tumeric/Curcumin supplem... - Cure Parkinson's
Is anyone taking Tumeric/Curcumin supplements?

I just add it to food. I love the taste. I believe it slows the progression but no way to verify.
Hello PatV,
Thank you for your reply. I have taken CURCUMIN off and on (mostly on) for three years. All sorts of claims are made for it such as warding off dementia, Alzheimer's and even cancer. I think that taking is essentially a leap of faith, but this spice has still had a lot of papers written about it. Since there is a relatively high incidence of dementia following on from parkinsons I would prefer to increase the odds against me not getting it by taking CURCUMIN capsules daily for the rest of my life.
Has anybody come across papers written following scientific research on CURCUMIN in respect of dementia?
Yup, just found this paper: translationalneurodegenerat... but if you put Curcumin and Parkinsons into Google lots of interesting stuff comes up. Quite a few medical research papers.
I have not started taking any yet, but this is where I got alot of info including links to research studies, etc.
Thank you Ace 1,
I have had a quick glance at this link you kindly included in your reply. This is a good blog and I shall certainly subscribe to it. PwP would certainly benefit from opening and reading the link you supplied.
Thank you again for your help.
I had read a little on 5htp, but I take Azilect and it was at the top of the contraindicated medications/supplements with Azilect...
I take turmeric at bed it help with the muscle spasms or cramp things in my ankles and toes curling. I also get up and take more if it still happens. I but turmeric
and empty at natural food store and make my own
Hello Blessed4431,
My, that is an interesting benefit which doesn't take long to see if it works. Fortunately, for me these are not symptoms I experience and hope that I never do. Hopefully, other
PwP will read your experience and will try CURCUMIN/tumeric.
Another good reason to go to your local Indian restaurant / takaway as often as possible. ......... lol
Thank you Peter-1. I think that CURCUMIN is probably one of the best nutrients a PwP can take. Do you take it yourself? If not, plse Google CURCUMIN and see the benefits it bestows on us. A, true magical spice.
Thank you. I have not heard this before. I will investigate.
To be fair Peter-1 when I started taking CURCUMIN I can not say that I noticed a perceptible improvement straight away or if at all, but there are huge amount of 'papers' out there both research and anecdotal evidence with positive results that I will take it for the rest of my life. I dread getting dementia which as you know many PwP develop and my understanding CURCUMIN increases your protection against it.
Seasons greetings to you and your family.
I see in the wikipedia entry for curcumin that i should not be taken if already taking anticoagulent drugs such as Warfarin. And guess what, I'm on Warfarin for life after a Pulmonary Embolism I had about 4 years ago.
So that rather excludes experimentation with Curcumin apart from those all too infrequent visits to the Indian restaurant.
I take curcumin as an anti-inflammatory, as everyone recommends. Can't say I've noticed any effects.
Hello Pomo,
This is my feeling too, but there is so much evidence 'out there' for the good that I prefer to keep on taking it for the rest of my life as opposed to taking a risk.
I take turmeric everyday I make my own capsules. It halps with the pain. I told my MDS and she told me she has her father taking it for gout I take it for the painful spasms and pain goes away in about fifteen min. I found if I take twice a day then I don't get the painful spasm as often
The pain was the worse from the dystoniaa I guess it was. I have been through a lot of painful things in my like but this was the worse The only way I could describe it was like I had two aliens inside and they were twisting my body in two different ways. I have this in my neck, ribs, jaws, both legs and ankles and my right arm and fingers and toes. You can just see my body twisting. Also if yo want to make your own capsules you can go on line and get the empty capsules and also if yo go to an Indian market you will find turmeric cheaper. Also I read that pepper helps the absorption so I have begun to add a little pepper. I also make ginger capsules for colds and cayenne and garlic for colds.
What I can say is that I love Indian food, eat it frequently ( at the risk of being shot for my questionable home renditions ) and also use tumeric in some of my western dishes . I take Rasagiline and haven't exploded yet.
I cannot deny that there may be possible relief I'm one of my favorite flavorings is a source of a few small grins of hope.
Hi Norton1
Yes Tumeric/Curcumin supplements seem to be up on the rise and the Indian/Pakistani even Middle Eastern culture benefits form these as they have it in the daily food.
I've started putting these two herbs in my daily smoothie as well as cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger, one teaspoon of each (started with half teaspoon to get used to it) with almond milk, coconut water, berries and banana and honey and it has improved my immune system, skin and hair (which fall a lot but now has thickened). It's fantastic.
My recommendation is if you do start taking it, then like any other supplement, vitamin or herb you need to give it about 2 months to see true results. You will however feel some benefits at the end of 4 weeks for sure!
Hope that helped.
Adding cur cumin really helped stiffness, aches, and pains. I take one of the best CURAMED, but be careful, because it is an anticoagulant. I upped my dose to 2 a day, and got the worst nose bleed ! Now, I'm back to 1 dose, and alternate/or skip days for other antioxidants like resevertrol which also thin the blood.
Now Foods has recently come out with a supplement called CurcuBrain, that they claim penetrates the blood/brain barrier for maximum absorption. You can Google it, to get more info on this product and online sellers, and also go to Nowfoods.com.
My husband (with PD) and myself take it for inflammation. We are both fairly active. I drum as a hobby and would normally take 2 ibuprofen before class to ward off joint pain afterwards. Since taking turmeric I haven't had to do this. I still feel discomfort in my hip, so it hasn't worked on everything.