One thing I`ve noticed with my Parkinsons is that my handwriting has got worse, its like a tiny spider trod in some ink then drunkenly crawled across the page!! Anyone else in a similar situation?
HANDWRITING: One thing I`ve noticed with my... - Cure Parkinson's

hi andy
my handwiritgn became completelh illegible about 3 or 4 years ago and is impossible now
i have to initial cheques and forms and cnanot sign mhy name
typing is dyslexic too as o1 hadn is stronge rthan te other
but we keep going do we not??;
;lol JIll
My Tueday Morning Bowling League, ("Tenpins" to some of you), has 3-person teams. Since the games are competetive, a representative of each team must sign the score sheet at the end of the day's bowling. One day, at the end of the games, our team captain was off socializing, so they handed me the score sheet for signature. I tried but could produce nothing approaching legibility and so gave it off to the third member, along with a stupid-sounding admission that I have PD and "can't write". Tom accepted the scoresheet and made a valiant effort but, to my surprise as much as anyone's, threw down the pen and admitted that he too was a victim of Parkinson's and was unable to sign his name. It was true.
A considerable time has now passed since we came out of the parkie closet. We both still bowl. We both show symptoms, I more than he. The reaction of other bowlers has been interesting. Some have moved closer, some seem less comfortable, but they are all potential friends. Life is good.
Hey there, I had beautiful handwritting. As a child I would practice for hours. Now that computers are here writing has almost become a thing of the past. Even my cell phone has a texting app or whateverthat you talk it listens, you read it then send it. Love it. My writing looks horrible. I used to be ambidextrous sometimes I'll write with my left hand, that's my Pd side its funny.
i have an ipad app for text to speech as my speech is affected by the PSP so when my speech goes completely i shall be able to ask for things i want / need"!!
it si proloquetogo and is worth it for me
Yet another usual PD symptom, another 1 to add to the list. Hey, we could have a competition to see who has the most symptoms. Not one of the most annoying ones but still quite irksome at times. Especially if you have a Parkinson's whispery voice and want to write a quick message
Then you could add in a non-PD symptom just for a change, that is sudden and fairly significant hearing loss due to Glue Ear. Ah! grappers, use the other hand to write with, what a grand idea. Does it work though?
Still could be worse!
Sad to say that is one thing which hurts not being able to write much.
typing is so impersonel, but needs must.
We just have to accept it.
I cannot write at all when my meds are off. When they are on......I can write least legible.
Hi Andy
My writing is bad in fact it was one of the first symptons I had. I try to go slow when I write to get it right but end up by going fast even I don't understand what I've put sometimes. I find writing in capitals helps!
That was one of the first things to notice before I got the diagnose PS. It was so tiresome to write, and in these 8 years my handwriting has been worse. Smaller and smaller. BUT - after I started with Sinemet in May, and at the same time I heard someones talking about: THINK BIG! My handwriting is now much better - and I can again feel the pleasure of writing again. It's so nice, so this Christmas I wont have any problems with the Christmas cards.
Hi Andy. I also have trouble with my handwriting. It is so small and spidery when my meds are off, but almost back to normal when meds are on. I believe this is a fairly common problem for us Parkies.
Thanks for all your answers its nice to know its not just me
Andy xx
Hi Andy
I make greeting cards and find it hard to do some days its a bit like when you were small at junior school in winter and your hands didnt work properly.I also have trouble knitting im very slow
I used to have beautiful handwriting; not so anymore it's very, very tiny. However, I read a tip that if you print and just do two letters at a time it helps and it has. Good luck.
Hugs, Terri
Hi Andy, I have a question for you. Have you had the DBS inplant? The reason I ask is my husband has and i am wondering if it helps that problem. We have not had it turned on yet. He goes next Tuesday for that. We can't wait to see what symptoms it will help him with.
Thank you, Mary
My hubby used to have lovely handwriting but not its as you say Andy small and hard to read at times. It gets worse if he is asked to sign anything in front of people has to wait for his hand to stop shaking which seems to get faster.
When first diagnosed, my tremors were so bad I could not write at all, the friend who drove me to the Dr. had to fill out my paperwork. I shredded old checks not long ago and noticed the regression of my handwritting over the years, could see when the tremors started...My tremors are much better right now but I still see them in my handwritting. I find that if I write for very long it gets smaller and smaller,
My handwriting has become extremley small and my hand holding the pen becomes painfull.
Yes, mine becomes painful too, like a cramping sensation. I typically type now instead of writting, except for short notes that probably only my family can read!
Oh, and when I writ, I find it more legible with a larger bodied pen or pencil, like we used in maybe first ofr second grade.
yes i find when meds wear off i can hardly read my writing its so small but once it kicks in i can write large letters its unbelieveable isnt it x
My writing is like chicken shit
My writing is like chicken shit
can only type now