Shasha, I don't know if you can get it in France but I often have porridge made with water.
Mind you, I would be happy to have croissants with honey, or Pains au Chocolat straight from the patisserie!!
Does your discovery apply to other people - I mean is it a general rule that milk is not compatible with PD meds, or is it just a problem for you?
yum yum - but no good for the waistline !! I have no idea if milk is a general problem but it is protien xx
variable but smart to limit volume of high protein food intake (meat, cheese) and concentrate in evening meal: daily serving size roughly equivalent to a pack of playing cards
good strategy is to use such high protein foors mainly to flavor complex hdyro carbon foods like pasta,( one simple recipe; mix one or two sardines in healthy dish of pasta seasonoed with olive oil, garlic,origan, basel, salt, pepper and add mushroom; go easy on parmesan cheese. Glass of red wine is not just ok but also good for you!
mornings for cold cereaI I cut lowfat milk with (1/3 to 1/2) water and for porridge (oatmeal), pancakes, french toast I do same or even cut out milk entirely, flavor with salt, pepper, and honey/maple syrup
hi sha
i have used soyha milk sinc ethe menapause and find it good
i make porridg eiwth water too .
lol Jill
Protein decreases the efficacy of the absorption of l-dopa/c-dopa. Some people have less of a problem with this than others. I try to take most of my dietary protein in the evening when my day is over.
You can download a copy of "Nutrition Matters", if you like.....just go to parkinson.org and type "Nutrition Matters" in the search box....It's very informative.
thanks a lot - i have printed off some of the usual things re the protien - very useful
I have oatmeal every morning, I put lots of cinnamon and a little honey. I haven't had milk for years and am not one to try things like soy milk or some of the others.
Other days I have an english muffin and a cup of hot tea, sometimes with 2 eggs.I take my medication at 8am and don't have my breakfast until 10 am and my next dose of medicine is at 1pm. So I'm okay they said not to have protein 1 hr before or 2 hours after.
Precious 44
I avoid protein as my medication is affected by it ,some proteins like nuts or goats cheese don't cause problems you have to test it out and see. Not everyone who takes levadopa is affected by protein so don' t automatically assume you are .
or breakfast I would have fruit made into a smoothie and add some organic coconut milk or porridge made on water or stewed fruit with nuts and seeds.
Try rice milk, It tastes great and comes in many flavors.
Rice milk ...or akmond, oats. You can make it yourself. Goats milk is better than cows. Avoid gluten too.
I have oatmeal with raisins and sometimes fresh fruit papaya, pineapple , apples. Occasionally toast with peanut butter & jam. I tried the gluten free & got very constipated. My favorite is Hemp Bliss as a sub for milk.
I take sinemet, sinemet er,requip and amantadine. I try to avoid protein about 1 hour before i take my meds. I have take meds every4 hours. I have not been able to figure what causes meds to not kick in or to not work as long. I have English muffin with egg and cheese. i make ahead and freeze , peanut butter, Greek yogurt and granola. just some suggestions. I love to cook let me know if you need more ideas
i take sinemet and modopar 5 x a day everyb 4 hrs - do you eat the eggs and cheese for breakfast ? and do you have to wiat the hour if you are going to eart them - sorry for being thickj xxx
shuffle to go take my pills first, then by time I'm ready to eat an hour has gone by. You can also take and eat on the road or for a break just heat in the microwave. Here is the link to the recipe I used.
also you could make mini quiches using mini cupcake pan. Or mini pot pies using cup cake pan. Im on pinterest there I have a ton of recipes.
Hollar if I can help. I also think we need to be open to breakfast foods may not work at breakfast. What is wrong with a sandwich or even chilli I have had for breakfast.
I just started amantadine today anything i should be aware of by the way i think id like to come to your house for breakfast!
I love to cook. Well I take that back I une to really enjoy cooking and baking. Now due to PD i find it very challenging and my taste and smell are off. I'm a mom of four and a ton of other kids that seem to spend a lot of time in our home. I cook all the time. Regarding amantadine I was taking 1-3 times a day. went all the way down to one a day and I started experiencing a bad tremor in my voice so we went back to 1 2 times a day. I seem to remember the dr saying she wanted to get me off of this because younger people it can cause thinking issues. Im working on my Thanksgiving menu now. I think reg food we need to think outside the box the same way we have to think of our PD just do what works for you
1/2 cup almond milk, 2 tbs flax oil, 2 tbs flax, 2tbs almond butter, 1/2 cup frozen organic berries, 1/2 cup water and blend in a blender. If you want to lower the protein you could not put in the almond butter, but then it won't taste as good. you could also substitute 1/4 cup soaked raw walnut or raw pecans instead of nut butter or substitute cherries or banana for berries. For a thicker texture use crushed ice with your water portion.
MMMMMM......Sounds good! ..... I make a drink of almond milk, frozen banana and ground nutmeg.....Sometimes I put a "shake or two" of ground turmeric inside, ( I understand turmeric is good for PWP's).
I make porridge with water too but I add 2 or 3 prunes and some juice-delicious!
thanks roma - i had porridge this moning and i am sure it helped a bit not having the milk
Normal breakfasts...I just balanced my meds on top of the protein. I don't know if that works for most, but it did for me.
steve arndt
Bisbee, AZ 85603
I tried to put a product on here that helps people, I didn't say cure you, I said help you.
If you want inf. inbox me your info. They took my blog off cause I mentioned
The product. I'm sorry, but I'm trying to help
To Shasha:
If you can purchase raw almonds - almond milk is easy peasy to make.
Happy to send you the recipe if you wish to try.
It is less expensive than produced packaged product, makes less waste, and tastes better too.
If you end up not liking the taste ... pamper yourself to an almond milk bath!
Be well. Carry on strong.
i have made no adjustment to my diet i eat what i want. however im eating more sweet stuff these days taking Azilect Modopar and Rasigiline