Dear Mr Want2help, with respect you are very especially unhelpful. We can all remain open minded and free thinking we would be dumb not to. After all some of the greatest discoveries of mankind were unexpected and left field. However you have missed one crucial point in all of this. You cannot mess with people who have a chronic degenerative condition meaning, it is wrong to suggest to anyone that a solution exists as tenuous as you propose. I am vulnerable, yes I am, emotional, in pain. My life once fell apart, I lost everything, my home, my job, my car, my life. For 4 years I didn't earn a dime and for 3 years I didn't eat. Somedays I struggle to walk, other days I can wet myself. I can be insecure, have low esteem and be confused. If you truly 'Want2help' don't toy with me, don't tell me things you don't know to be true. This is serious. Deadly. If your Dad has PD he will need a son, not some kinda Magician with rabbits and hats.
Oh and P.S. guys don't be concerned I am 100% good and kicking ass today! Drums are calling me! x